Chapter Twenty-Four (I'm Back!)

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Hey lovelies, 

Guess who is finally uploading after about 5 months..? ME!! 😝

SO.. please VOTE and COMMENT for this chapter, and please please PLEASE read the author's note at the end of this chapter!


Five Years Later

"Get up, you pampered princess!" Amber roared, jumping up and down on my bed like a child waking up their parents.

Groaning, I turned away, smashing my face into the pillow and trying to sleep. Sometimes I swear this girl is actually a four-year old.

"GET UP." Amber yelled, this time shaking me and ridding me of the idea of being able to go back to sleep.

I rolled around to face her, with an annoyed look plastered on my face, while she kept a beaming smile on her face.

"What do you want..?" I muttered, still very annoyed.

She sat down next to me on the bed.

"Malcolm wants you to get up and get ready." Amber stated.

Oh really.

I rolled my eyes.

"Why does he want me to get up?" I asked, starting to stretch.

"He wants to show you something. Now get up." Amber commanded, jumping up and off my bed, and skipped out of the room.


Pulling the warm, comfy sheets off of me, I dragged myself to the bathroom so I could look somewhat decent. While I brushed my teeth, I picked out a simple t-shirt and leggings. Nothing extreme, besides, Malcolm probably just wants to show me the new gazebo he was having be built.

As I left my room, I noticed that no one else was around in the castle.

Weird. Very weird.

After going through the back door to the garden, I could see the new structure that Malcolm was building, fully complete and standing in its full glory. By opening the garden gates, I now could see Malcolm, the staff, Amber, Damon, and my parents, all standing by the gazebo.

What the heck is going on?

Looking around at everyone's attire, I started feeling a bit underdressed. Everyone else, except me, were wearing clothes for a public event, while I'm standing over here in a t-shirt and a pair of leggings.

Walking up the stairs of the gazebo, I came to a stop in front of Malcolm. He was the most dressed out of everyone; he wore a suit for goddess's sake.

"Hi." Malcolm muttered awkwardly.

"Hi..?" I responded back with a confused tone in my voice.

He seems very nervous about something, is he dedicating the gazebo to me or what is he doing?

"You know that I've loved you a long time, right?" Malcolm asked.

"Yes, I do know that..."

"And you know that I will always love you, right?"


"Well, I wanted to ask you if.." He started searching his coat pocket with his hand.

Wait a second. Is he..

Malcolm dropped to one knee, pulling a small black felt box out of his pocket.

"Will you marry me, Vasilisa..?"

~And there's the cliffhanger...

Author's Note

Okay, so most of you hopefully know that I am a junior in high school right now, and that's the reason I barely upload. I am just so caught up in school so this book and my others are basically pushed to the back of my brain. 

After this upload, it may be a while until I upload again. Because of one major thing, PROM. 😁

Prom is set up by the junior class every year at my school. And of course, I'm the Vice President of my class, meaning that I'm also on the prom committee. 

So over the next month and a half, I will be overwhelmed with school, work, AND prom. 😫Why can't summer just get here already????

BTW... thanks to all of you for reading my book! It makes me very happy!


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