Chapter Ten

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Watching all of my servants get the ball ready, Cody came up to me, informing me on everything that was been completed, what hasn't yet. I had many guests coming tonight, and I do not want anything to go horribly wrong. Everything had to be perfect tonight, and if it wasn't, I will severely hurt the one who caused the mess. 


Twirling around in my gown, I pondered on what would happen tonight. 

"Would you please stop spinning around, Vasilisa? I'm trying to put a few more pins in your hair so it doesn't move." Amber groaned. 

I stopped spinning, sitting down in my chair, glancing at the covered human-sized mirror. Amber had covered it so I wouldn't be able to see my hair. 

After a few more pins added to my hair, Amber walked in front of me, exclaiming, with a smile plastered onto her face, "Okay, Sil, it's time for you to finally see yourself."

Amber turned to the mirror, ripping the cover off, and I stood up in shock, in awe of Linda's and Amber's work. Standing in front of the mirror, funny and arrogant Sil wasn't there; a gorgeous, graceful mature lady stood there, looking very proper. 

Getting a full glimpse of my navy blue dress, heels, and curled hair, I spun in awe, still not believing that the day we announce to the nation that we're mates. 

Amber was dressed up professionally, since she was now in charge of practically everything.  She stood next to me, looking into the mirror as well, and she soon turned away, apparently talking into her earpiece.

After she ended the conversation with the unknown person, she turned back toward me very quickly.

"Malcolm is already in the ballroom, waiting for your arrival. Everyone who was invited by Malcolm is here as well, except you." 

Amber clasped her hands together.

"So, are you ready?"

I wanted to say no, but I knew that as long as I was with Malcolm, I would be safe. 


I struggled to say it, but at least I got it out of my mouth. 

Amber nodded, signaling the guards to open her bedroom doors, and Amber and I started walking down the hallway. 

The ballroom was on the fourth floor, with a huge staircase, not as big as the grand staircase, that led into the ballroom. The ballroom's walls were all glass, with a long balcony around the outside. For the ballroom ceiling, it was arched, and to cap it off, it was covered with a glass window, expanding upward, to reveal the huge blanket of stars.

As Amber and I came to the huge double doors to the ballroom, Amber gave some commands, and I could hear the bang of a cane. 

" My dear friends, it seems that my lovely mate has finally arrived. Ladies and gentleman, behind that door, is my lovely mate, Vasilisa Cecily. Guards, you may now continue." 

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