Chapter Two

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Walking quickly to keep up with the King's guards, I focused on my footsteps rather than what would be waiting for me in the throne room. Hopefully it's not my death sentence waiting for me, like a decapitation. 

 Looking up at the guards, I uttered, "Do you know why he wants to talk to me?" 

The guard to my left glanced back at me but didn't say anything. I groaned. Great, they must be werewolves, no wonder they're repulsed by me. To them, I'm just filthy scum. 

    When we arrived at the throne room, both of the guards pushed the huge double doors open, dragging me with them into the room. As one of the guards left me to close the doors, the other grabbed both of my upper arms to prevent me from escaping. Well this isn't going to be good.

"You may let go of her, Cory, she has no where to run." said a familiar voice, and I turned toward the sound. "Cory" let go of my arms and walked over to join the other guard with guarding the door. 

    Turning my glance toward the front of the room, I was entranced by a pair of chocolate brown eyes. I felt like I was falling into a long, smooth piece of silk.

"You'll be seeing much more of me, Vasilisa." King Malcolm chuckled. Sneering, I turned to leave, when I felt his breath land on my ear, catching my breath in my throat.

"Don't turn your back on me, Vasilisa. I could kill you with a twitch of my finger." Chuckling, I turned toward him, and stared into his eyes. 

"I don't really care. I would rather die than live." I crossed my arms, giving him a stone cold glare. King Malcolm's eyes changed from being confident to sadness. 

"You are not going to be doing anything of the sort." he whispered. 

Chuckling again, I replied, "Watch me." 

Malcolm's face turned serious and he answered, spreading his arms toward me, "I need you alive, you're my mate, Vasilisa."

 Malcolm started to lean in, to kiss me, when I raised my hand, and smacked him right in the jaw. 

"I will NEVER be your mate, not after everything you've done to me." I screamed, waving my finger in his face. 

Spinning away from him, I started to run to the door, when I felt something smooth against my throat. Cory had ran to me, and was currently holding a hunting knife to my throat, causing me to stand completely frozen, so I wouldn't get cut. I started to become dizzy from being in shock and the room had started to spin. King Malcolm walked to me, commanding Cody to release me, and my arms were held firmly by his hands. 

In a restrained voice, he murmured, "Do not EVER hit me, do you understand?" Grabbing my chin, I was forced to look at him while slowly slipping into darkness. 

"Do you understand?" he asked again, angry now. I felt my eyelids slowly close, and I fell into a blank slumber, with Malcolm holding on to me, not allowing me to hit the floor.

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