Chapter Fifteen

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Pacing back and forth in my study, I pondered on what I could do to get Vasilisa to wake up. I had been up for many hours reading about cures that might bring her out of that coma, but I didn't have the access to any medical equipment, since I was in hiding. As I left my study, I walked back into my bedroom, and tripped over something on the floor. A book.

Picking the worn out novel up from the floor, I noticed that it was the book Vasilisa had been holding the day I had strangled her to near death. I opened the book to the first page, and in bold letters, it read, Sleeping Beauty. An idea formed inside my mind, and the gears in my head started turning. Vasilisa was practically a sleeping beauty, which means her true love could wake her from her death-like state. 

I snorted. Vasilisa's true love is her mate, Malcolm, not me. I would never be someone's true love. Speaking of Vasilisa, I might as well go see how well she is doing. Walking down my dark, gloomy staircase to Vasilisa's room, I came face-to-face with the door to Vasilisa's bedchamber. Since I had almost killed Vasilisa by strangling her, she had a tracheostomy inserted into her mouth to help her breathe. That was the only medical item I had to keep her alive. 

As I opened the door, I watched as the few medics I had moved around, appearing to be very busy, and I just watched as Vasilisa lay in the sheets of her bed. Her chocolate brown curls made a halo around her head, and I noticed that the horrifying bruises I had left in my wake on her neck were slowly fading away. The medics soon realized that I was in the room, and they left quickly, closing the door behind them. 

Sometimes I wonder what my world would be like if I had never hurt Vasilisa. Would she still be curious about me and a little cautious toward me, or would she act the same when she hit my face with her hand before she fell unconscious? I would never know, I don't have the power of turn back time. 

Sitting myself down on Vasilisa's bed, I took her hand, and guilt filled me. Her gentle, fragile hand was mainly cold, with a touch of warmth. How I wish that I had never assaulted her in any form. When Malcolm finds my hideout, I will be facing a monster, a beast I should say. He probably knows what I have done, and there's no way to reverse the damage I've caused Vasilisa and Malcolm both. 

I slowly placed Vasilisa's hand back where it had laid, and I gazed upon her heavenly face. How I wish that her bright, wondrous sky blue eyes would open once more. As I leaned toward her to lay a kiss on her forehead, a rapid knock hit the door, causing me to growl. I would never be able to give a kiss to Vasilisa. 

"Come in." I groaned.

My first-in-command, Jacob, rushed in, fear showing in his eyes.

Something is wrong.

"S-Sir, h-he's coming." Jacob stuttered, glancing toward the window. 

"Who's coming?" I asked, knowing who must lie just beyond the horizon.

"King M-Malcolm, sir, he's coming...for her...and for your death." Jacob stuttered, trembling in fear. 

Great. Just great.

Jacob and I left Vasilisa's bedchamber and headed toward my tower, getting to the top as quickly as possible. The guards on watch moved out of my way, pointing toward the sunset, and I grabbed a telescope, looking in the direction they directed me toward, and almost jumped out of my clothes. 

There, leading his enormous army, marched the one and only Malcolm Crawford. Cold sweat formed on my neck as I looked at him. His emerald green eyes had turned to a pitch black, and a evil smirk was fixed onto his face. I noticed his two favorite swords, The Bloody Ones, were strapped onto his back, waiting for their next victim. The next thing about him though got me into my battle phase.

Malcolm looked toward my telescope, and he mouthed words directly to me.

"Prepare to die."

Hehehehehehe.. get ready, I have some good things planned.

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