Chapter Twenty

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 As I moved her hair away from her shoulder, I could feel my canines lengthening, knowing that it was time. I kissed the spot where my mark would be on her forever, and I saw her shiver and heard her hum. Then, I plunged my teeth into her shoulder, and bright, blinding light surrounded me.


I was sitting in Aristotle and Theodora's cottage they had in their afterlife, drinking some tea and talking with them. I kept wondering when would it be the day I wake up. Theodora noticed that I was off in another world, when she said,

"Don't worry, child. You'll wake up soon. Trust me."

I nodded, hoping that I would soon awake from my deathly slumber.

Then, I felt a sharp pain in the hollow of my neck and I screamed from the pain.

Aristotle and Theodora glanced quickly up at me, their eyes widened and they gave beaming smiles.

"He's finally figured it out." Aristotle gasped.

"What?" I questioned, not understanding what he meant.

"Look at your shoulder in the mirror, child, and you'll know why." I got up from my chair and walked in front of their human-sized mirror.

There, growing bigger with every second, was the painting of a wolf, its fur the color of midnight, and the eyes glowing bright blue. Another sharp pain shot through me, this time, I gasped, and letters started to form underneath the wolf. When the letters stopped forming, they had formed one word. Malcolm.

An agonizing pain thundered through me and this time, everything went white.

As I looked around, all I could see was white but then, it started to fade, and color started to shine through. When the colors started swirling all around me, it went black, and I could feel soft blankets and a hand sitting in my left hand. I'm back.

My eyelids shot open, and Malcolm was breathing in the crook of my neck. I went to sit up, but Malcolm beat me to it, and when I saw his face, I was saddened by his appearance.

Malcolm's once glowing face was gloomy, dark circles formed at the bottom of his eyes, and he looked like he hasn't slept for weeks. Malcolm gave me a small smile, and he reached forward, picking me up.

"Is this a dream? Are you actually awake?" Malcolm whispered, twirling me around in his arms.

"I don't think this is a dream, Malcolm. I was literally just stuck in one about ten seconds ago." I said, laughing as he kept spinning me around.

"I have missed your presence, Sil. I was almost crazy without hearing your voice or seeing your eyes. The castle was a dark place without you by my side." Malcolm said painfully.

"Well I'm here now so there's nothing to worry about." I said, giving him a smile which he returned quickly to me.

He sat me down on the bedside and sat down next to me, laying a kiss on my cheek.

"Let's go tell everyone you're awake." Malcolm said, picking me up bridal style, barging through the doors.

"She has awoken!" Malcolm roared, the sound bouncing off the walls, and doors started opening, revealing occupants of the castle. From one of the doors, Amber appeared who started jumping for joy. Cody, the head guard, appeared on Malcolm's side.

"Cody, go release Damon and bring him to me. He is released from all charges. But before he comes to me, put him in some decent clothes." Malcolm ordered, receiving a nod from Cody, who was gone in a flash.

Malcolm turned to me, giving me a smile.

Then, something inside me burst open, and I released a scream of agony and crashed to the floor.

"Vasilisa? Vasilisa!" Malcolm cried out as my eyes closed.

I gave you guys a double update as a late New Year's treat! ~Bre 

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