Chapter Five

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   One Week Later...

 I was approving military papers when Amber rushed into my office. 

"My King, she's not waking up! Vasilisa won't wake up!" Amber yelled, falling to the ground, full-out sobbing. Vasilisa? No, I didn't think she would go that far, would she really kill herself just to get rid of me? 

"She can't be gone." I mumbled, running out of my office, past sobbing Amber, and into Vasilisa's room. I gasped in shock. Rotting food lay down the marble tile, and all of the glasses were empty, stacked up, on top of the nightstand. Why didn't Amber tell me why Vasilisa's room was a mess?

Laying in her bed, fit for a Queen, Vasilisa laid still, not breathing, not moving. I ran to her side and saw that her breathing was shallow. She must have starved herself to near death. Picking her up gently, I could feel her bones in her arms, legs, and back, just from picking her up. I ran to the medical ward, and started yelling for the nurses. 

"I need someone! Please! Help her!" I yelled, and the nurses ran over to me, laying her on a medical bed, and took her to the intensive care unit. Running my hands through my hair, I started to break down, pacing around the room. This was all my fault. If I hadn't have forced Vasilisa to stay in her room until she let me mark her, she wouldn't be in this fragile state. I kept pacing, until one of the nurses appeared from Vasilisa's hospital room.

The nurse informed me, "My King, you can go in now." 

Before I walked in to Vasilisa's room, I said to the nurse, "Can you please get some restraints for Vasilisa? I'm afraid she'll hurt herself." The nurse nodded her head and walked away.

I can't believe she would try to kill herself just to be rid of me. She needs to know how important she is to me. 

She must become our Queen! It's a must!  

Xander could be very impatient. 

Commanding Xander, I said, "Xander, calm yourself. Seriously, like chill." 

Fine, I will. For now. 

Scowling, I went into Vasilisa's room, and sat down in one of the reclining chairs.

You can yell at me for making this chapter short, but I'm making it up to you. (Chapter Six.) ~Bre

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