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Chapter 18 Global Oceanization 18

It is more than 3,000 kilometers from City K to City L, the provincial capital of District Z.

Fortunately, the helicopter produced by the trading system is more advanced than the current technology, and can reach a speed of 600 kilometers per hour, which is much faster than ordinary helicopters. It took more than five hours for everyone to reach L City smoothly.

On the streets of the sparsely populated city L, there were more people than ever before.

Fortunately, although there was light rain and occasional heavy rain in L City, the communication network was not yet paralyzed. Here, Zhou Baozhu quickly contacted her elder brother with her mobile phone.

Not long after, Ning Qianqian and his party of six were picked up by two luxury cars sent by Zhou Baozhu's eldest brother, and they came to a well-known resort hotel near the scenic spot in L City.

According to the driver who picked him up, the Zhou family participated in the investment of this hotel.

Zhou Baozhu also remembered it, and said: "A few years ago, I heard from my elder brother that he invested in a hotel here in L City, but unexpectedly, it became the last support of our family." Zhou Baozhu's mood when he regained the ability to make

money She has relaxed a lot. It seems that she owes Ning Qianqian the 400 million primary strengthening potion fee, as well as the previously promised escort fee of no less than 130 million. There should be hope to pay it back.

Maybe I can also get a few primary strengthening potions for the family.

Ning Qianqian was a little surprised that the Zhou family also had property in L City. However, Zhou Baozhu was able to find her family members smoothly, and her family was doing well. Ning Qianqian was also happy for her.

When they arrived at the resort hotel, Zhou Baozhu was taken away by the driver brother to meet her brother.

Ning Qianqian and the others were arranged in two adjacent luxury suites, each with two rooms.

Ning Qianqian and Ruan Youran shared a suite, each with a room.

A suite for three men, a room for Huo Langzhou, and a room for Cousins ​​Lei and Lin.

Ning Qianqian went back to her room to wash up first, and then in the living room of the suite where the three men lived, the five of them ate Tibetan food provided by the hotel together.

After dinner, Huo Langzhou called Ning Qianqian to stop, saying that he wanted to talk to her alone.

There are not many places in the hotel that are convenient for conversation, so the two went back to the living room of the suite where Ning Qianqian and Ruan Youran lived.

Ruan Youran temporarily stayed in the living room of the suite where the boys lived.

Ruan Youran gossiped: "Hey, tell me, did Brother Huo fall in love with our beautiful and powerful little Qianqian, and call her over to confess in private?" Although

Ruan Youran was petite and had a cute face, but she I am a undergraduate and master student in medicine. I just graduated this year for an internship. I am 25 years old.

Ning Qianqian has been working for a year after graduation. She is 23 years old this year.

In private, Ruan Youran would occasionally call Ning Qianqian affectionately "Little Qianqian".

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