61. Surprise turned to shock

Start from the beginning

Just Didn't Know
the Pranks of our Bodies
my life was referred
To your hands

Dude This Time
Fell In Love for real
So Heart's Intentions
Became Sufis

Ohm crushed the plastic bottle of water he was holding.

Now I have to claim
The right over your love for my whole life
All I wanted was a pond but you
Gave me a whole Maikda

In Your Love
Heart Just Wants
To be soaked
In your love.

You Are My Ruin,
You Are My Peace,
You Are The Medicine Of The Heart,
You Are The Merger Of The Heart.

Let's Get Wet
So Wet So Wet
Let's get as wet as we have ever been in our life.
My heart wants to get wet in your love

Fluke pulled the string that tied the masquerade mask revealing the girl's face. He leaned in and posed for a fake lip lock with the girl. Given the camera angle, it would look like they kissed for real.

In Your Love
Heart Just Wants
To be soaked
In your love.

[A/N: The lyrics doesn't belong to me. Credits to the owners.]

The director yelled "CUT" as the music ended.

The girls turned around.

Ohm finally saw the girl's face. She was someone he knew well - his sister, Dream.

Ohm froze watching his sister and Fluke wai- ing to the crew, thanking them for their hard work.

Apparently, this was Dream's last scene in the series.

Fluke and Dream got along quite well. They talked and laughed as they made their way to their respective rooms to remove makeup.

Earth, Prem and Sammy too joined the two.

The scene in front of him didn't sit well with Ohm. He was having a roller coaster of feelings at the moment.

Without a second thought, Ohm left the set silently just like he had arrived.

Boun felt that he saw Ohm. But when he looked around there was no trace of his cousin. He shook his head thinking he must have hallucinated.

Ohm walked a long distance on foot. He knew that he was not in a condition to drive. He called the Ritprasert mansion, requesting they send a chauffeur to pick him up.

Ohm went straight to the mansion.

Ann had tears in her eyes as she entered her son's room.

She saw Ohm unpacking his bags and arranging his folded clothes inside the walk-in closet, lost in his thoughts.

Ohm still remembered hugging Fluke and saying goodbye on the day of his grandparents' wedding anniversary. It was supposed to be a beautiful memory, but it turned into a painful one for him today.

"Ohm..." Ann called out to her son.

Ohm collected himself and turned to face his mother.

"Swadee Khrab Mom." Ohm greeted his mother with an expressionless face.

Ann's heart ached as she watched her son act as if nothing had happened.

Until today, she had no idea what her husband had told her son and why he insisted that Dream should try out the role of Fluke's partner for their new series. But today, after hearing Ohm's discussion with her husband, everything had become clear to her.

She really didn't get why her son had made such a huge decision all of a sudden. Her son wasn't the kind that would make decisions impulsively. Yet, today, the choice that Ohm made had left her shaken to the core.

Ann wanted to have a heart-to-heart talk with Ohm.

Unlike Boun, Ohm never really opened up to Ann. He liked to keep things to himself, which Ann found rather frustrating for someone as young as him.

She wished that Ohm could open up a little bit to her or anyone around him instead of cooping up his feelings within him.

Ohm saw his mother's concerned expression.

"What happened, mom?" He asked.

"Luk, are you sure you want to do this? Do you really want things to happen this way? If you even have the slightest opposition in your heart, tell me. I will talk to your dad. I will convince him. Ohm, your happiness matters the most here." Ann said as drops of tears rolled down her cheeks.

Ohm helped his mother take a seat on the couch. He grabbed a tissue and wiped her tears, sitting next to her.

"Mom, I have already made my decision. It was not under pressure or the influence of other factors. I made this decision after long consideration. I already had this thought before leaving here for the training camp. These three and half months, I had sorted out my thoughts well and came to this conclusion." Ohm's voice was devoid of any emotion.

"But, Ohm..." Ann wanted to speak but was interrupted by Ohm.

"Mom, I think you and dad should make arrangements to meet Pa Remi and Lung David to have a discussion with them. We need to get their opinion as well."

Ohm got up from the couch and made his way to the French window.

Ann noticed the change in the way her son addressed Fluke's parents.

Looking out of the window, one could see the beautiful flower garden that was well-maintained by Ann and the gardeners of the Ritprasert mansion.

"Then what about you, Ohm?"

"Dad has already made the necessary arrangements in my case mom. You don't have to worry about that." Ohm said with his hands in his pocket as he looked out of the window.

Ann finally gave up trying to convince Ohm after some time. She knew that she couldn't beat her son when it comes to stubbornness.

[1] Maikda - where alcohol is consumed.

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