24. Sasaeng

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Ohm was rushing to Kao's office when Boun joined him.

It had been a week since Ohm had figured out that he was being stalked, but he was still unable to find any clue regarding the stalker.

The bigger issue that they were facing was that some anti-fans have been sending Fluke dead treats like bloodied dolls and dead rats. Some reporters had even reached his house and surrounded it without letting him come out. In the end, he had to call for cops to get rid of them.

Ohm was extremely worried about Fluke's safety. He had never expected the scandal to bow up to this extent.

After knocking twice, the duo entered Kao's office. They were surprised to see Earth sitting opposite Kao talking seriously as he looked at his laptop.

Both Ohm and Boun froze for a while as they felt that they interrupted at the wrong time.

"Ohm, Boun. You guys are finally here." Kao said when he noticed their presence.

Earth waied the two elders.

"Sit down. Earth found some things that we thought we should discuss with you." Kao explained the reason why he summoned his cousins in a hurry.

The three cousins turned their attention to Earth waiting for him to start speaking.

"P' Ohm, I heard from P' First that you suspected that you were being stalked," Earth asked in a serious tone.

"Yes, I..." Ohm was interrupted by Earth.

"You don't have to explain. It is because of that photo, right? I know. I was the one who took it down that night."

"Photo? Which one are you talking about?" Kao asked.

"The photo of P' Ohm and Fluke in front of P' Ohm's private residence. I will explain later. I saw it as soon as it was uploaded and took it down. Speaking of the photo, I really didn't get the opportunity to thank you for taking care of Fluke that night. Thank you, P' Ohm. Thank you so much. Fluke can really be a nuisance when he is drunk. It must have been hard on you." Earth bowed.

"No, no. it was alright, and thank you for taking it down or else it would have added fire to the current issue." Ohm waved his hands.

"I had to. After all, it would affect my artist as well. Now, getting back to the topic. We have managed to track her down. Her name is Kim Ji- Ah. She is from South Korea, an international fan. She is a sasaeng."

"Sasaeng? What's that?" Boun asked not understanding Earth's words.

"Sasaengs are obsessive fans that often invade their idol/actor's privacy. Those kinds of fans are rarely seen in Thailand. The sasaeng here is an international fan of P' Ohm who has been following you around since your last Korean drama became a hit. She followed you all the way from Seoul to Bangkok. Here please see the details."

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