19. Where the journey began 2

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Ohm was disappointed as he read the scripts presented to him by Yacht. The most of stories were cheesy, full of fluff, and lacked actual content. He started questioning Yacht's thought process as none of them seem to fit him.

Yacht felt a huge headache coming his way as he explained to the boy's love series were commonly like that. It was aimed at female audiences and made to accommodate their fantasies.

Ohm was forced to attend a gathering to get his mind off the scripts.

During the gathering, Mint introduced him to a fellow scriptwriter, Grace, who claimed to be one of his die-hard fans and had written a boys' love story with Ohm in mind. She requested Ohm to take a look at it.

Ohm couldn't say no to his fan, so he heard her out.

The name of the series was 'You Are My Blue'. It was a fantasy adventure love story that sounded a little childish and funny to Ohm. He didn't voice out his opinions though.

Out of courtesy, Ohm acted as if he was interested and took the whole script.

After getting back home Ohm left the script aside.

A few days later, Ohm was bored of reading the new set of scripts sent in by Yacht. Since he had a lot of time to pass, Ohm started reading the script of 'You Are My Blue'.

The script turned out to be way better than he thought. Within no time Ohm read the whole script. He was completely captivated by the story. He could imagine himself in the role of the main lead. It had been a while since he had seen such an amazing story.

The story revolved around four characters Day, Sky, Fiat, and Tin. Day and Sky were the lead couples whereas the other two played secondary leads. Day was the character written with Ohm as a reference.

Day was a third-year college student and Sky was a freshman who joined the same university. Their encounter and their journey to find the secret behind their mysterious families were well depicted in the script.

The story completely did justice to its title 'You are my blue', as the main leads find tranquillity, freedom, and trust in each other at the end of the story.

The character development, and the small yet significant twists and turns added to the story's glory. It had cheesy lovey-dovey heart-flattering moments along with a superb plotline. It had elements of Chinese and Japanese superstitions and beliefs as a cherry on top making the story more realistic yet mysterious.

The story was an emotional roller coaster that would take the viewers from the heights of happiness to the depths of sorrow, aggression, anxiety and in the end happiness again.

This was everything Ohm was looking for. He only had one word to describe the script- a GEM. He felt that as long as they could find the right cast and crew, the series would be a hit.

Ohm reread the script. He found that the character Fiat was very much similar to his cousin, Boun was playful, cheeky, and stubborn at the same time. He felt that if he were to play the role it would be great. He had always wanted Boun to have an acting career as a backup plan.

Without wasting time, Ohm ordered Yacht to get the Board of Directors' approval to proceed with the script which was done in no time. BOD was impressed by the storyline and approved a large amount for the production making the series one of the biggest projects under SZ Entertainment.

Ohm was a perfectionist. He didn't want to see even a minute flaw. He had Yacht personally oversee the selection of crew. Starting from the Director to the make-up artist, every single member of the crew was selected carefully.

Ohm personally called Grace and let her know that her script had been accepted and congratulated her. He praised her for her writing style, ideas, and creativity.

The next step was to arrange the cast for the series.

Ohm met Boun, who had just arrived after participating in New York Fashion Week and presented his idea about debuting as an actor through the BL series.

Boun was reluctant to take up acting as he would have to do more work. But Ohm's continuous persuasion made him say yes.

Boun had come out as bisexual when he was still in high school.

Ohm knew well enough that this cousin of his preferred male partners over female ones as he found women noisy and difficult to handle. This was also a reason Boun never took up any projects that Ohm had offered in the past years.

The audition for the rest of the cast started.

Ohm couldn't take part in the audition process himself due to his busy schedule. He sent Yacht to oversee the process.

Ohm told the crew that they could select a cast for every character other than Sky who would be his partner. The crew was more than happy to oblique.

The audition was completed. The crew selected the rest of the cast. They shortlisted the actors that they found fit among the auditionees to play Sky and sent them to Ohm.

Ohm watched the audition videos of shortlisted candidates and went through their biodata. None of the actors fit into his interpretation of Sky. Ohm was frustrated.

Ohm called Grace to get her opinion on the matter. Grace was on the same point as Ohm. Neither of them was satisfied with the auditionees.

Ohm wanted to ask the Board of directors to allow another round of auditions for the role of Sky. The current audition was not much popularized because the Board of directors did not want artists from other agencies taking part in the Bl series. They wanted the whole cast to belong to SZ alone so that they could promote the series as well as the following activities.

Both Kao and Yacht pointed out that it would be impossible to convince the BOD otherwise.

Without any option left, Ohm decided to watch the audition video of every single auditionee who attended the audition for the series.

Ohm watched them one by one. He first watched the candidates who auditioned for the role of Sky. Other candidates turned out to be worse than the ones he saw earlier.

The desperate Ohm calmed himself as he was filled with determination to find the perfect cast. He watched the audition videos for other support roles.

The role of the major support character named Yin had the greatest number of candidates auditioning for it.

Yin played a vital role in the twists of the storyline. Hence the crew cast a well-versed actor for the role.

Ohm decided to try his luck among the auditionees for Yin.

As Ohm watched the audition videos, he felt bad for the crew and the casting director who had to watch the whole thing with a straight face. Some of the candidates were over dramatic, some were unemotional, and some were just there to show off.

There was only one more candidate to go. Ohm wanted to smash his tablet on the floor due to the built-up frustration.

Ohm took deep breaths to calm down. He had lost hope as he pressed the play button.

After a few seconds, Ohm blinked, unwilling to believe his eyes. 'I found him' Ohm thought in mind.

Day found his Sky.

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