Sneak Peak 4

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"I don't think it is a good idea, Earth," Nami said empathetically.

Earth looked down on the furry chinchilla silver Persian cat in his arms, that was purring at him. He ran his pedicured fingers over the furry coat. "It is for the best, Jie."  He said with a sad smile.

The parti-coloured Persian cat who had been busy playing with a cat ball saw his sibling monopolising all the owner's attention. He abandoned the ball and climbed to Earth's lap.

Earth fondled the two cats happily.

"Personally, I feel otherwise, Earth." Nami sighed. "I am an outsider and I have no clue what had happened between you two. But as far as I can see, Kao is sincere to you. He is loving and loyal. I think it would be a shame to cast away such a good man."

In her decade-old career, this was the first time she was advising her client to reconsider their decision. Normally, she would always encourage the client till the end and make sure that they got the divorce on their own terms and conditions. But for Earth, it was different.

Maybe it was because of her adoration for the younger guy or because she had witnessed how much Kao loved him. She didn't want the two to split.

Earth was silent. 

"Look Earth, this might sound like I am trying to advise you but please listen to me with an open heart." Nami scooted forward. "Kao had been fighting with his family for you. When he was asked to choose between his family and you. He chose you. You were his choice, Earth."

"That is exactly where the problem lies, Jie." Earth put down both the cats on the couch, looking at Nami with a serious expression. "He is made to make a choice, Jie. Between his family and me." He pointed to himself. "He had to throw away all his relations to be with me. He cut ties with his own parents because they couldn't accept me, Jie"  

Nami rolled her eyes at Earth. "That is exactly what I said, Earth. He was willing to risk the rest of the relations in his life to be with you. He is still trying to convince his parents who I think are still living under the rock that it is stupid not to accept you as his husband"

"You don't understand, Jie." Earth got up. It was time to feed his cats.

"Yes, I don't understand and I don't think the rest of your family and friends would understand either. So be kind and explain your thoughts so that I can understand." Nami was starting to sound more like an elder sister than a divorce lawyer.

"Jie, I know how it feels when you have no family to back you up. I have already lost my parents. I don't want P' Kao to have the same fate as me." He filled the cat bowls with food and placed it on the floor. 

"You know Jie, I have always wished that I could get to spend a little more time with my parents. Just a little more. Even a few minutes would be enough. But fate had stolen that chance from me. It will be the same for P' Kao too, Jie. No matter how much he denies it, he loves his family so much."

 "So? You are going to punish him for taking your side? For choosing love over his parents?" Nami scoffed. "Have you gone nuts, Earth? Do you have any idea how many gay men would die to find a man like that in real life? and you want to throw it all away and act like a saint?"

"Jie..." Earth whined, not wanting to hear the nagging anymore.

"What do you think will happen to Kao after you leave him, huh?" Nami stared straight into Earth's eyes. "Most probably, he will never go back to his family, because you pushed him away because of them. Not once but twice. Do you think he will go back to being the obedient son to his parents after you get a divorce? Hell No!"

Earth knew that the probability of Kao reuniting with his family was low but he wanted him to have the opportunity. He hated how people were pointing fingers at Kao for being with a guy, just because he hails from one of the wealthiest families in the country.

"Even if he decides to go back, what do you think will happen to him? He will be pressured to marry some woman whom you know Kao will never love and why? Because he is gay. Haha. Gay like a fifty front row seat in a Madonna concert gay." Nami's words were dripping with sarcasm. "Then he will be forever 'happy'" She used her fingers to quote the last word.

Earth watched his cats hungrily eating their food, not commenting on Nami's words.

Nami got up from her seat and walked up to Earth. She grabbed his shoulder and turned him around. "Earth, you are someone who is really proud of your sexuality. someone who is not afraid to tell others who you are. But why is it that when it comes to Kao, you change the way you think? Why is it that you don't want Kao to embrace his sexuality?"

"Because he is not just Kao, phi. He is Noppakao Dechaphatthanakun, the head of the Dechaphattanakun family. He can't be gay. He can't afford to be a man who prefers men over women."

"Kao don't prefer men, Earth. He prefers you." Nami patted Earth's shoulders. "He prefers you over anyone else in the world."

Earth groaned.

"You had already made the mistake of leaving him once all those years ago and made both yourself and him go through a miserable period of time. Now that destiny has brought you back together, I think you should fight for it alongside Kao instead of stepping back, bending your spine to socio-emotional pressures from others."

Nami shook Earth up. "Have some faith in yourself, in Kao and in your love. You three make a very happy family, Earth. A small yet happy family. It is something very rare in today's world."

"Khrab Jie. I will think about it." Earth gave in. He himself wasn't actually sure that he was making the right decision.

"Good." Nami finally smiled. "While you are on it, do talk to your friends and family about your decision and listen to their opinions as well. Because sometimes a third person can see the pros and cons of your relationship than yourself. that would definitely help you evaluate your decision and make a clearer conclusion."

"I will, Khrab." Earth felt much better listening to Nami.

"Then, I will get going. I have to report at the court in the afternoon." Nami picked up her, getting ready to leave.

"Take your time and once your decision is made, give me a call and let me know," Nami said putting on her blazer.

"Okay, Khrab." 

"Swadee Jaa." Nami walked out clicking her heels against the floor. 

When The Spring Arrives (Ohmfluke)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz