26. Hide out or a holiday

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(A/N: The attached media has nothing to do with the story. I just found Ohmfluke chemistry too cute in the MV that I wanted to share it.)

Two cars stopped in front of a resort-like building.

Earth got out of the first car and signaled Boun and Ohm in the second car to get out.

"The two of them are here?" Boun asked as looked around. All he could see was a building at the end of a huge garden. The place looked like a maze to him.

They followed Earth closely so that they don't get lost.

The cousins were worried about the younger ones, and they had no means to contact them. Earth was their only way to know how they were doing. Despite Earth's assurance, they couldn't feel at ease without talking to the young ones.

The duo had pestered Earth all morning to bring them to meet Prem and Fluke.

Earth was initially reluctant to bring them along when he visited Fluke and Prem as he felt that it might expose their current location. But he had to finally agree so that he could get peace of mind after being followed around by the two paranoid elders.

Throughout the journey, Earth kept an eye on the road making sure that neither of their cars was being followed.

"Khrab. They will be staying here for a while. After all, given what is going on, it is not safe for them to stay at their home anymore. We are looking for a new house to move into. We will be staying here till we find one. It is not easy to find a place due to security issues" Earth said as they walked out of the parking lot.

"They can stay at my place if they want," Ohm suggested feeling guilty about the whole mess.

"P' Ohm none of your places are safe now. I would recommend that you find a new place to crash as well." Earth commented.

"You can stay at my place for a while. Until everything is settled." Boun offered as he eyed his nervous cousin.

"That would be a good idea." Earth approved as they reached the entrance of the resort after walking for so long.

"This place is huge. I didn't know that there was a place like this in Bangkok." Boun said as he looked amazed at the scenery in front of him.

"It's a private resort that belongs to a friend. Not many people know it. He lent it to us for a while." Earth answered matter of factly.

"Khun Ohm, Khun Boun. Welcome to the resort. My name is Zen. I am the manager of this resort. It is an honor to have you here." a middle-aged man in a suit came forward with a big smile to welcome them.

They exchanged pleasantries.

"Where are they?" Earth asked the waiter.

"They are in the tennis court, se.."

Earth placed a finger on his lips shushing the waiter and winked at him.

"They are in the Tennis court, Khun Earth."

"Will the two of you have some rest or do you want to meet them first?" Earth turned around and asked the duo who were struggling to get rid of the boot-licking manager.

"Let's go meet them first". Boun was happy to find an excuse to get rid of the manager who was talking non-stop.

Ohm on the other hand was worried to meet Fluke. He didn't know how to face the latter. He was starting to get paranoid.

Boun patted Ohm's shoulders trying to assure him that it will be alright.

Ohm takes a deep breath to calm himself.

"Prem is here, right? He has not been answering my calls for a few days." Boun was both furious and anxious as he said that.

Earth looked at Boun who was walking beside him.

'Looks like things are not really one-sided' Earth thought to himself.

"His number somehow got leaked. We haven't found how. He had to change his number because of the hate calls he was getting in the end."

"Please lead the way," Earth said to the waiter.

The waiter led them through the long corridor to the tennis court.

Sammy waved at Earth as she saw him walk in. She was surprised to see the two people who were following him.

"Swadee Kha" Sammy waied the elders with an awkward smile.

"Swadee..." they greeted before taking a seat in the viewer's bench behind Sammy.

Their attention was soon caught by the duo playing on the tennis court. Everyone literally held their breath seeing the fierce competition on both sides.

The sound of the tennis ball smashing against the racket echoed around the court. The only sound other than that was the creaky noise of the shoes of the players as they moved in swift action.

Both Fluke and Prem were covered in sweat. Their bandanas kept their hair from interfering with their line of sight. Their faces were a shade of deep pink as they panted lightly.

"How many rounds has it been?" Earth asked as he watched the duo on the court.

"This is the fifth round. They should be ending this soon." Sammy answered as she cheered for her friends.

"Who is on the lead? "

"2:2, it's a tie. "

"Isn't Prem a national-level player? How did he end up losing two matches?" Boun asked curiously.

"P' Boun you are saying this because you don't know Fluke well," Earth smirked.

"Fluke has always been Prem's biggest rival ever since we were kids. These two were like fire and water." Sammy said as she continued cheering.

"I thought they were close friends." Boun was a little taken aback by the new information.

"Frenemies, to be exact. I don't even know when and how they started getting along." Earth chuckled shaking his head.

"They do get along pretty well." Boun agreed with Earth.

"Those two have a weird yet strong bond. They love competing with each other. Truth be told, no one can read Prem as much as Fluke can."

Boun felt weird hearing that.

"Prem does have the habit of hiding his emotions, but that doesn't work on Fluke. He always manages to figure out what is going on in Prem's head."

While the rest of them were having a conversation, Ohm remained quiet. His eyes never left the small guy in sky-blue sportswear.

Ohm watched as the small figure moved agilely across the court hitting the ball each time it was sent to his side.

Fluke's attention was fully concentrated on the game. His moves were powerful and well-calculated.

Ohm could clearly see the bulging veins on Fluke's hands.

"Why am I feeling bad that Fluke chose music over sports?" Sammy asked as she watched Fluke in action.

"I feel the same. There is no use talking about it now. He has made his choice." Earth sighed. "Such a waste of talent."

Sammy nodded in agreement.

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