40. Traumatized

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Ohm was standing under the shower trying to calm his chaotic thoughts.

He was staying over at Fluke’s place for the night under Earth’s insistence. Kao had left earlier. Boun was planning on staying along with him as Prem was here. But for some reason, he left after dinner.

Ohm assumed that Boun was still mad at him. He was not worried about Boun as he knew his cousin would come around after his anger cools down.

The one he was worried about was Fluke, who had refused to talk to him throughout the dinner despite his efforts to initiate a conversation.

All he could do now was to wait for Earth to have a talk with Fluke and clear the misunderstandings before he could talk to Fluke.

Turning off the shower head, Ohm grabbed a towel and tied it around his waist.

He took another towel and started drying his hair.

Ohm looked at his reflection in the bathroom mirror, reassuring himself that Fluke would understand him.

Ohm walked out of the bathroom and saw Fluke leaning against the doorframe at the entrance of the room.

“You sure did take a long bath.” Fluke chuckled as he closed the door behind him and locked it.

Ohm was pleasantly surprised to see Fluke coming over to him by himself.

‘Earth must have cleared the misunderstandings.’ Ohm smiled at the thought.

He took a step forward to Fluke and opened his mouth to speak.
“Fluke, I …”

“Hush…” Fluke placed his index finger on Ohm’s lips stopping him from speaking.

Then something Fluke did something Ohm had never expected him to do at this point.

Fluke pushed Ohm directly into the bed with one hand.

Ohm was still trying to process what was happening there, when he saw Fluke getting on top of him, crawling on his knees.

The duo stared into each other’s eyes for a few seconds before Ohm felt Fluke’s lips on his.

Even though a little taken aback by the younger’s action, Ohm responded passionately to the kiss.

Their lips parted as they panted heavily.
Fluke didn’t break his eye contact with Ohm when he ran his fingers through Ohm’s toned torso. Water droplets dripping down from Ohm’s hair, made him look sexier.

Fluke leaned in to kiss Ohm’s collarbones.

Suddenly, Ohm had a flashback. Peach had done the same thing to him. She had kissed the exact same spot as Fluke. The only difference was that he wasn’t feeling disgusted this time.

Ohm subconsciously pushed Fluke away with a little bit more force than that was actually required causing Fluke to fall off the bed onto the floor.

Ohm started sweating profusely as his breathing quickened.

Ohm snapped out of it to realize what he had done. He quickly got up from the bed and spoke.

“Fluke, I am sorry. I did mean to…”

“Just as I expected.” Fluke got up from the floor patting the dust away.

Ohm frowned.

“The incident did traumatize you, didn’t it?” Fluke adjusted his messy hair.

“You were testing me now?” Ohm gulped.
“Or else? Did you think that I was throwing myself at you?” Fluke scoffed.
“You were there when Peach did that to me?” Ohm asked clenching his fists.

Fluke rolled his eyes at Ohm’s question. He then sat down on the bean bag placed beside the bed.

Ohm didn’t know what to feel at that moment. He felt angry, shameful, sad, and above all disappointed at Fluke’s attitude.

“Hey, what’s with that look on your face?” Fluke didn’t like the accusing gaze Ohm was giving him.

“Since you were there, why didn’t you help?” Ohm asked with a cracked voice.

“Don’t tell that you believe that you escaped the place all by yourself. If I hadn’t gotten rid of the people guarding the area, you wouldn’t be standing here like this.” Fluke smirked.

“There were other people?” Ohm’s eyes went wide.

“Of course, there were other people guarding the whole place. But they don’t know what happened inside the warehouse.”

Ohm bit his lips.

“Don’t worry about those photos. I have already taken care of it. Now that those two are gone other than the two of us no one has seen them, and neither will.” Fluke assured.

Ohm was grateful to Fluke.

“Now, the reason I came here tonight. Tomorrow morning a few doctors will be visiting us. They are experts in human psychology. They are sent by my mom, so they will be the best. And you my darling are going to have a therapy consultation section with them.” Fluke got up from the bean bag preparing to leave after announcing his agenda.

“Why should I get therapy?” Ohm asked.
“Obviously because you are traumatized. I am not an expert in the field, so I can’t actually calculate the depth of impact the incident left on you. So why not consult a professional? I can guarantee your privacy.” Fluke said turning to leave.

Ohm suddenly went forward and hugged Fluke from behind stopping him in his tracks.

“Fluke, I am alright. I don’t need any therapy.”

Fluke didn’t push him away instead he answered him.

“I am not asking you to get therapy. I am telling you to sit for a therapy session. If you need it or not let the doctor decide.” Fluke’s tone was firm.

“But Fluke. I think I am doing fine.” Ohm protested as he sniffed Fluke’s hair.

“You are doing fine? This looks like doing fine to you? I don’t want to be pushed out of the bed in front of the crew while we film the love scenes.”

Ohm chuckled at Fluke’s words feeling his mood brighten up.

“Okay, then I will follow your order,” Ohm said with a small smile.

“If you are done sniffing my hair, let me go and get dressed. You will catch a cold otherwise.”

Fluke could feel Ohm’s body shake as he laughed.

“Go to sleep. They will be here early tomorrow morning.” Fluke said trying to remove Ohm’s hands around his waist.

“I am unable to fall asleep nowadays. How about you stay by my side tonight? The last time I slept well was when you were next to me.” Ohm said.

Fluke could feel Ohm breathe on the back of his neck making him ticklish.
Fluke pushed Ohm away with his elbow saying.

“You should tell the doctor tomorrow. He will prescribe you some medicine that could help you with your sleep cycle.”

Fluke’s sensitive reaction amused Ohm. He pulled Fluke closer.

“P’ Ohmmm… let me go,” Fluke whined as he wiggled in Ohm’s arms.

Ohm felt delighted as he listened to Fluke’s changed tone of speech. He didn’t want to make Fluke angry anymore. So, he decided to stop teasing the little one.

“Have a good night. Sweet dreams.” Ohm whispered in Fluke’s ears before letting him go.

Fluke shot him an angry glance before storming out of the room huffing in anger.

Ohm let out a chuckle seeing the cute yet angry younger one.

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