83. Doubts

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Fluke was excitedly telling Ohm about his day out with the kids as he cuddled with the elder on their bed. He was so happy having spent the whole day with those little angels.

Fluke had completely fallen in love with Baby Mix the moment he laid his eyes on the little one. Along with the other three kids, Fluke had totally forgotten his boyfriend and ended up spending his whole holiday playing with the four kids.

Fluke was halfway through his speech when he finally noticed that there was something wrong with his boyfriend. The latter seemed to be lost in his thoughts.
Ohm had his brows furrowed in distress as he listened to Fluke’s rambling. Other than not being able to spend their first day off together, Ohm had many things to worry about at the moment.

“P’ Ohm” Fluke slightly tapped Ohm on his chest.

Ohm snapped out of his thoughts.

“P’ Ohm is everything alright?” Fluke didn’t know why but he felt that the vibe Ohm was giving off wasn’t right.

Ohm nodded and flashed a half smile at Fluke.

Fluke was now sure that something was not right.

“P’ Ohm, is anything bothering you?” Fluke asked again. He wanted to know what was bothering Ohm to the extent that the elder was spacing out even when they were cuddling with each other.

“It’s really nothing, Noo. Let’s go to sleep. You had a long day.” Ohm pulled Fluke closer to himself.

Fluke had realised one thing after he started dating. It was that Ohm had serious issues communicating with him ever since they started their relationship. It was as if the person who shamelessly flirted with him before was another person altogether.

Fluke removed Ohm’s hand and sat up on the bed facing Ohm.

“Noo, what are you doing?” Ohm asked watching the little one who was now staring at him with a serious expression.

“Shouldn’t I be the one to ask that? What are ‘you’ doing? I have been talking here for a while now and you weren’t even listening to a word I said.” Fluke looked at Ohm with a disappointed expression.

“I’m sorry Noo. I promise I will pay full attention to you when you talk. I will not let my wander.” Ohm apologised sincerely.

“I am not asking for an apology Phi. Nor am l complaining that you didn’t hear all the things I said. I am only asking you to communicate with me. You seem to be bothered by something. I want to know what it is. Is it too much for me to ask for?” Fluke couldn’t hide his frustration.

Nowadays Ohm had been extra careful around him. Ohm’s each and every word and action seemed to be measured and restricted. This was making Fluke feel bad.

“Noo, I am communicating with you. I-”

“You are not P’ Ohm. You have been acting like this for a while now. You are drawing lines between us. You don’t share anything with me. Your behaviour has become so formal that I feel that you are treating me as a stranger rather than a boyfriend. I have never been in a relationship before but I do have the idea that this is not how relationships work.” Fluke was on the verge of crying.

“Noo, you have misunderstood. I-”

“P’ Ohm do you not love me anymore?” Fluke’s tears started falling.

“What made you think like that? I love you, Noo. I love you more than anything else in the world.” Ohm freaked out seeing Fluke cry all of a sudden. He didn’t know what to do.

“Then why don’t you just talk to me? If you are having some problem then can’t you just tell me what it is? Why do you have to be like this? Is it because I said that we should wait for a while before announcing our relationship?” Fluke sobbed.

The couple had come to a decision that they would keep their dating life a secret. Other than Earth nobody knew about them. They wanted to share this news with Boun and Prem as well but the newly found parents were so busy that they never got a chance to speak to them.

“I totally support your decision on keeping our relationship a secret,” Ohm said holding Fluke’s hands.

“Then what is it?” Fluke was referring to the matter that was bothering Ohm.

Ohm fell silent, mentally complimenting if it would be fine for him to say it out loud.

Fluke patiently waited for Ohm to make up his mind.

“It’s just that you seemed to have a lot of fun today…I mean with the kids… and you seemed to love them so much…” Ohm was still hesitant to get to the main issue.


“You know… you and me… as a couple… would never have children on our own…We can’t even get married legally… I was wondering if you were having second thoughts about being with me.” Ohm finally said it out loud.

Fluke’s mouth fell open hearing Ohm. He had no idea what made Ohm feel so insecure when it came to their relationship. Was he not expressive enough? Or did he do something wrong that made Ohm feel like that?

“P’ Ohm I obviously knew that we would never be able to have kids on our own and about the whole marriage scenario. What makes you think that any of that would have any impact on our relationship?”

“Shouldn’t I? I want to have a future with you Fluke. I want to build a family with you. I want you to be happy being with me not sacrifice your likes.” Ohm himself didn’t know why he was creating a mess of a situation.

“P’ Ohm listen to me very carefully.” Fluke cupped Ohm’s face with both hands and made him look right into his eyes, sitting on top of him.

“I admit that I love kids but that doesn’t mean that I am ready or willing to have one on my own. Liking kids and bringing up a kid are two wholly different things. I like to play with them and spend time with them. But if someone asks me to take responsibility for one, I would run away at top speed without turning back.”

Fluke paused and took a deep breath.

“As I said neither of us is ready to be a parent. As I said earlier, we just started dating. We have a long way to go before reaching that stage. Then if both of us are willing, we can adopt a child. I know a lot of orphanages where newborn babies are brought in after they get abandoned. It wouldn’t be difficult for us to adopt a child if we want to. As for marriage…”

Fluke stared at Ohm making him anxious.

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