16. Exposing his cousin

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"You have no idea how much of a horny jerk your P' Ohm is. Even thinking about the incident makes me ashamed." Boun faked a shiver.

Ohm shot him a glance. "You make it sound as if I have committed some murder or rape."

"Rape? That is the only thing that is left to be done. God, at least you are showing your true colours now." Boun dramatically moved away from Ohm covering his chest.

"Don't act all chaste in front of us. We know that you are not the incarnation of the virgin Mary. Whatever I did, it was for your sake as well." Ohm scoffed in disdain.

"P' Ohm, P' Boun stop building up suspense here. Just tell me what you did." Dream grew impatient.

Boun glanced at the screen and then at Ohm before narrating. "Your P' Ohm here, requested the crew to rearrange living accommodation for the four of us. He said he would share a room with Fluke while I share one with Pao. Do you know what explanation he gave the stuff? He said it was to improve the bond and chemistry between us. This lustful bastard."

"OH MY GOD P' Ohm" Dream's mouth fell open.

"The staff were stunned to hear the request. All these years, he had always wanted his own room in the set. Now he said he wants to share a room with someone. The hell broke out there. Some were bootlicking him by calling him dedicated and professional and others were giving him weird looks." Boun added triumphantly.

"So what? As if I care" Ohm crossed his arms and sulked.

"Don't you care about what Fluke thinks? As soon as he heard he had shared a room, he immediately said that he would share rooms with Pao." Boun chuckled.

"That is because they are friends." Ohm defended.

"It is not only because they are friends. It is also because you were acting like a creep around him. You would never give up a chance to lay your hands on him. Do you remember how enthusiastic you were when the Director wanted you to practice the love scenes? You freaked that kid out. He wouldn't be able to sleep out of fear if he were to share a room with you."

"You are making up stuff. He wouldn't think like that." Ohm was defensive.

"He would and he did. You should have seen how horrified he looked when he heard that he would have to be in the same room as you." Boun snickered.

On the other side of the call, Dream was almost in tears as she laughed her lung out hearing her brother's stupidity. It took her a while to calm down.

"Then, what happened P' Boun? Did he agree?" Dream asked fighting back her urge to laugh.

"What was to happen? The crew had made a mistake while booking rooms and mixing up dates. They couldn't find enough rooms for everyone, let alone double rooms to accommodate the four of us." Boun sighed.

"In the end, we four will still be staying together in Ohm's apartment near the filming set"

Dream almost rolled on the floor as she laughed.

"What is so funny about it? I just wanted us to spend some quality time alone outside the set." Ohm glared at Boun.

"P' Ohm, you are already like this before you guys even know each other well, imagine how you would be when you guys actually start dating."

"He is a gone cause then." Boun joined Dream to tease Ohm.

"You don't have to worry about me. All you have to do is help me persuade Mom and Dad to accept Fluke as my partner." Ohm told Dream in a serious tone.

"P' Ohm, there is nothing to worry about when it comes to mom and dad. You know that our parents are very open-minded. They would support you no matter who you love P'. All they want is to see you happy." Dream beamed.

"Do your parents need another son? I can provide them the best old age care if they do." Boun said, his voice oozing jealousy.

"Oh P' Boun. You are already their son. Has mom treated you any different than P' Ohm?" Dream could feel her cousin's longing for a supportive family.

"Then... when I find my partner, I will bring him first and foremost to meet Mae Ann and Aa Seth [1]" Boun said with a smile.

"When are you bringing your 'Pao' to meet my parents" Ohm snickered.

"Shut up. You know nothing." Boun grabbed a cushion beside him and threw it at Ohm, who dodged the attack.

"Just admit it, Boun. You are as whipped as I am. Maybe even more so." Ohm asked wiggling his brows mischieviously.

"There is nothing going on between me and Prem. We are just friends. Pao is just a nickname I came up with."

"Friends who love to flirt with each other. Boun, I know you better than anyone. I am not blind. I can see it in your eyes, your actions, and your body language."

"Trust me, Dream. Ohm is just talking shit. There is nothing between the two of us. You know that I am not interested in relationships."

"You may not be interested in relationships, but you are one hundred per cent interested in Prem," Ohm stated

Boun opened his mouth to say something but Ohm interrupted.

"Don't try to argue back. Both you and I know that I am speaking the truth. I have never seen you being so considerate towards anyone else. Even when doctors asked you to cut down on your alcohol consumption and smoking, you never listened to them. But ever since Prem objected to your smoking and drinking habits, you silently obliqued. The list goes on Boun."

Ohm took a deep breath. "You care about what he thinks about you. You care about his likes and dislikes. You care about his well-being. And the most important one, you smile more often while you are around him." Ohm patted Boun's shoulder with a smile.

"Wow," Dream stomped her feet in excitement.

"I wish I was there. I so want to see P' Boun interacting with P' Prem." Dream whined.

"Dream, Ohm is exaggerating. Pao is a funny guy. His personality is similar to mine that's why we get along so well. It is nothing like the way Ohm said."

"Whether I was telling the truth or not, Dream, you can confirm when you ask people who have witnessed all these like P' Ton or P' Yacht. They will tell you what is going on between these two. Or you can visit the set and see for yourself." Ohm smirked provocatively at Boun.

"This bastard is cooking up stories." Boun kicked Ohm and Ohm kicked him back.

The two cousins eventually started bickering and throwing cushions at each other.

Dream was so done with her childish brothers who always appeared smart and dignified in front of others. She slapped her forehead as she watched them bicker.

[1] Aa (Uncle) Seth- Ohm's father.

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