76. So it begins

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Fluke sighed making up his mind to get out of the apartment.

He had knocked on Ohm’s door to talk to the elder, only to find that the latter was not home. Earth had also left to do some work.

He had gone to the balcony to clear his mind and was fed up hearing voices of BounPrem making out like bunnies in heat in the room next door. Even though the walls were pretty soundproof, the balcony door wasn’t. on top of that, the couple had left the door open so that Fluke could hear them reaching the climax.

Frustration inside Fluke only grew when he heard the noises.

Putting on his shoe, he headed to the rooftop. The rooftop had good scenery and was usually abandoned making it the best place for him to be at the moment.

Fluke cursed his luck when he saw that the elevator was out of order. He decided to climb the stairs instead. He had nothing better to do anyway. Some physical exercise might help him ease up his mind as well.

Fluke was panting heavily by the time he reached the rooftop. Climbing sixteen floors in one stretch was not a joke. Fluke felt his legs giving away as he opened the rooftop door.

He dragged his heavy legs to sit on the concrete bench on the rooftop.

Catching his breath, Fluke noticed the presence of another person on the rooftop. He looked over and saw the person and locked his eyes with the other person.

The person was none other than the protagonist of all his worries, Ohm, standing there like a Greek god looking extremely handsome in his white t-shirt and faded blue denims.

Ohm too seemed shocked to see Fluke.
Well, he was. He was not yet ready to face the younger. He wanted to run away.

Seeing that Ohm was trying to leave, Fluke immediately stood up and blocked his way. “P’ Ohm, we need to talk.”

Ohm looked at the stretched hand that was blocking his way and then at Fluke’s face. “Noo, shall we do it sometime later? I am kind of busy right now.” Ohm turned to take a detour.

Fluke blocked him again. “If you were so busy, then what were you doing on the rooftop all alone? Eating air?” Fluke was trying his best to hold back his temper.

Ohm couldn’t retort to that.

“Just give me five minutes. I won’t stop you after that. Five minutes, that is all I am asking. Na.” Fluke pleaded.

Left with no choice Ohm nodded.

Getting an affirmation Fluke smiled.
“Why are you avoiding me nowadays? Have I done anything to make you mad at me? P’ Ohm I have been handling my work here, in the studio and hospital along with handling Fame’s family at the same time. And you being like this is really too much for me.” Fluke poured out his feelings.

“Don’t you think that you are taking way too much care of Fame?” Ohm asked.

“How can I not P’ Ohmmm?” Fluke was getting hyper as he continued. “Fame is practically in this condition because of me and her Phor- ” Fluke was cut off by Ohm.

“If I was in Fame’s place, would you have cared so much?” Ohm asked causing Fluke to freeze.

Fluke’s eyes widened as he heard Ohm’s question.

“If I had been the one who committed the suicide, if I had been the one who ended up being paralyzed like that, would you have come to meet me even once?” Ohm asked expressionlessly.

Fluke’s vision turned blurry due to the tears that were forming in his eyes. He couldn’t believe that Ohm was asking him such a question.

“You don’t have to come up with a lie, Noo. I know you won’t.” Ohm sneered.

“P’ Ohm, how could you even think like that? This is not a joke. It is a matter of life and death.” Fluke said trying his best to not let his tears fall.

“Why do everything I say seem like a joke to you, Fluke? Do I look like I am trying to be funny here? You have time to care about everyone around you but me. What am I to you, Fluke? A friend? A phi? Or simply a co-worker? Do I mean anything to you at all?” Ohm asked.
Fluke opened his mouth gaping for words.

“Let it be, Fluke. Five minutes are up. I don’t want to continue talking to you anymore.” Ohm said turning to leave.

This time Fluke didn’t stop him. Much like Fluke couldn’t stop him.
Fluke was glued to his position completely stunned to hear the words that came out of Ohm’s mouth. The teardrop that he held back finally rolled down.

The sunny sky had suddenly started changing and heavy rain clouds filled the sky. The light sound of thunder could be heard from far away.

Fluke looked at Ohm who was struggling to open the rooftop door that seemed to have gotten struck. He was trying so hard that Fluke could see his knuckles turn white.

“I LOVE YOU, P’ OHM.” Fluke took his whole energy and screamed.

Ohm’s hand froze. He slowly turned to face Fluke who was crying his eyes out.

“I love you, phi. I love you more than anything else in the world. Can you please give me a chance?”  Fluke’s voice cracked as cried looking at Ohm.

Ohm forgot how to breathe hearing Fluke’s words. He couldn’t believe his ears.

“I hadn’t realized my feelings properly until you left for your family business. There was not a day when I didn’t miss you. I wanted to confess to you when you returned but you suddenly announced that you were getting engaged. I was heartbroken phi. I tried not to show it outside and wish you happiness. But I couldn’t. There was a part of me who was happy that Fame committed suicide. There was a part of me that wanted her to die. Only then did I realize what my feelings for you had turned me into. I tried to make up for wishing ill on my friend. That’s why I have been spending time with her at the hospital.” Fluke gasped for air as he cried.

Ohm ran up to Fluke and pulled him into an embrace.

“P’ Ohm, I know I am in the wrong. But could you please give me a chance? I really love you. I really do.” Fluke asked resting his face on Ohm’s shoulder.

Ohm cupped Fluke’s small face and tilted his head to kiss him on the lips. As their lips met, a huge drop of rain fell.

The sky started showering down, accompanied by thunder and lightning.
But the two people didn’t seem to have noticed anything at all.

They were busy, busy savouring each other, exploring every inch of each other’s mouths with their tongues.
The deep passionate kiss with a hint of affection marked the beginning of OhmFluke as a real-life couple.

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