4. Poached

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After going through the mail from Ohm, Yacht was completely convinced by his choice. It was a piece of cake for him to convince the director and the rest of the crew.

"Your choice is absolutely right. If not for Khun Ohm, we may not have noticed him", the director was thoroughly impressed.

"I think we should also let him do the Ost for the series as well. What do you think?", the producer suggested.

"Yes! Yes! I have heard his songs; they are really good." The director agreed enthusiastically.

"I think it is a good idea as well. He is a songwriter as well. We will let him do the Ost. Isn't it a trend to let the cast do the Ost", Yacht made note of this.

"Khun Yacht, we have a suggestion to make," the director said clearing his throat.

"What is it?" Yacht turned to the director curiously.

"About removing the kissing scenes and love scenes from the script... The scriptwriter is reluctant to remove them completely. We were also in a dilemma. So, we conducted a survey with the audience and found that the majority wanted such scenes. In fact, most answers came supporting the author's thoughts." the director spoke with an awkward smile 

"Yes, they say that such scenes are essential parts of the bl series. Most of them watch BL for these scenes. Without them, the story may look incomplete", the producer added supporting the director's words.

"Don't you have faith in Khun Ohm's acting?" Yacht was somewhat offended hearing them.

"Khun Yacht, please calm down. We didn't mean that. We are just saying that instead of completely removing them, we could, you know, keep a few. Like not really keep a few or maybe convey the scene in a roundabout way?", the director said nervously.

Yacht rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "I do understand your point. How about this? Tell the scriptwriter to make the alternate you suggested. I will try to pursue Khun Ohm. I can't really guarantee success but you know Khun Ohm has been industry for a while. He will not question his professionalism"

"If there is nothing else, let's wind up the meeting," Yacht said before turning to the person in charge of casting.

"You can call other candidates and let them know the results. As for Fluke, I will handle it."

"With pleasure, Khun Yacht" The crew members waied at him as he stood up.

"Thank you. Then, you guys carry on. I will be on my way. Swadee Khrap"

Yacht waied back at everyone and left the meeting room, letting the crew to make further arrangements.


In the CEO's office of BNC Entertainment

"Swadee Khrab, Khun Yacht", Sun, the CEO of BNC Entertainment welcomed Yacht into his office.

"Swadee... swadee... Sun. Stop being so formal. I am not used to having you talk in such a formal tone." Yacht was happy to see his old friend again.

"I have to. You are no longer just the buddy. You are the golden manager, the star maker" Sun laughed. "What brings you here?"

"Actually, I am here to talk about one of the artists under you." Yacht lavishly took a seat as if he owned the place.

"Our artist? Did something happen? Did someone cause trouble?"

"No, nobody caused trouble. The head office wants to scout the new idol, Fluke, over to SZ.", Yacht scratched the tip of his nose.

"Fluke? The singer? I never thought he would catch the eyes of higher-ups of your company." Sun scratched the tip of his nose.

"Sun, I am your friend. So, I will not let you have the losing end of the deal."
Yacht opened his bag and took out a few stacks of paper.

"Here, take a look, this is the proposal for the new variety show that will air next month. It is an activity-oriented show supported by the Ministry of Tourism. They are looking for actors to take part in it" Yacht introduced the various stacks of papers one by one.

"It is unbelievable that you have so many resources in exchange for scouting a small artist over. Khun Ohm must value him so much" Sun was impressed by the deal offered.

"I'm not giving you all these. You can choose any three of these." Yacht leaned back as he looked at his cunning friend. 

"Still, it must be worth it for you. Truth be told, that kid has a lot of potential. He has a bright future ahead. I scouted him personally"

"Yes, I know. He auditioned for the new BL series by our company and got selected. Khun Ohm personally gave him the green signal. I just finished meeting with the crew and finalized everything."

"He got a role in that series. I did hear that he auditioned for a role. Then, there was no news of it. So, I thought he didn't go through."

"He didn't get the role he auditioned for. He will be playing the lead alongside Khun Ohm"

"What?! Lead role?"

"That is why he needs to be transferred to SZ. The company has planned to launch the BL couple as an official one and there will be many activities and promotions following the series. The board of directors wants to cast our own artists. So ..." Yacht explained.

"OK, get it. But there is a tiny problem"


"Fluke's manager"

"What is wrong with Fluke's manager? Isn't he your staff? He won't obey company arrangements?"

"He is and he is not."

"What do you mean?"

"Fluke manager, Earth is his best friend. He is actually contracted directly with Fluke. So, he is not completely an employee of our company. Initially, I hired him because Fluke put forward the condition that he would join the company only if Earth could be his manager. I feel that it was the best decision I made. Earth has never disappointed me. He is really good at his job. Fluke never disobeys Earth and Earth would never let Fluke down."

"You seem pretty impressed by the kid." Yacht complimented.

"Yes, he is truly impressive. He had played a huge role in Fluke's fame. The way he manages Fluke and his fan club is amazing. There were few rumours about Fluke at the time he debuted. The PR department didn't even have to move a finger. Earth solved everything himself. Even I don't know how he did it."

Yacht raised his eyebrows listening to his friend's words

"Also, his social connections. He has a wide network within the industry now. I was truly surprised when I heard that he got Fluke into the audition for the series. I have no idea where he got the script from or how he managed to get Fluke a chance" Sun clamped his hands together. "If you are planning to take Fluke in, taking Earth with him will be for the best. It was also one of Fluke's conditions when he signed the contract."

"Well, it is my first time hearing you praise someone so wholeheartedly. Since you say so, send me his biodata and other details. I will go through it. If what you said is true, then I will discuss it with Khun Ohm and let you know within two days."

"Sure. My pleasure"

The two friends shook hands.

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