90. Versions

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“P’ Ohm, what was that back there?” Fluke asked crossing his arms across his chest. “I thought we had an agreement that we would keep our relationship a secret.”

During the interview earlier that day, Ohm had been flirting with him openly. He had a hard time controlling himself from blushing. Not that he minded his boyfriend flirting with him. But in front of so many people, he was a bit shy.

“P’ Ohm stop ignoring me. I am asking you something.” Fluke was irritated getting no response from his boyfriend.

Ohm looked at Fluke and exhaled deeply. “So, what if I flirt a little with you? I don’t even have the right to do that?”

“P’ Ohm you have got to be kidding me here. You were not just flirting there. You were practically announcing our relationship.”

“I didn’t do that. If the viewers felt so, then it is their fault, not mine.”

“Not your fault? You want to publicize everything about us?”

“Yeah. Obviously. Why? Are you ashamed of me? Or are you ashamed of our relationship?”

“Where on earth did this come from? I was just-”

“You don’t have to explain Noo. You wanted me to keep my mouth shut, right. I am really sorry I couldn’t do that despite your warning. What to do?” Ohm was equally irritated.

“P’ Ohm…” Fluke whined as he watched his boyfriend leave the kitchen. He followed Ohm. “I didn’t mean it like that. I was just saying that we could tell everyone about us after some time.”

“Some time? How long is this ‘some time’ for you, Noo?” Ohm stopped in his tracks.

“I don’t know Phi.”

“You don’t know? Then who knows Noo? Me? I really have no idea about this so-called ‘some time’.”

“Are you so eager to tell everyone?”

“Yes. I am eager. At least then people will stop shipping you with other people.”

“Other people? You mean Dream? She is our Nong, P’ Ohm. If you are looking like that, shouldn’t I be the one who should be complaining here? There are more ships for you than me.”

“I may have had a few ships before. But none of them reached the stage of getting engaged with both family’s approval.”

“Who is to be blamed here that I almost got engaged to Dream? Me? Or you? Ask yourself.”

“Yes, you are right. It is my fault. That is why I want to declare to the whole world that you are mine. But I don’t see why you are so reluctant.”

“It’s not that I don’t want to announce it but I want us to be sure of it ourselves first.”

“What do you mean to be sure of it ourselves, Noo? We have officially been dating for a few months now. What else is to be made sure of? Don’t we love each other?”

“We do. But P’ Ohm, sometimes love alone is not enough to sustain a relationship properly. There are many more factors affecting it. We still need to work on them. If we fail to do so then our relationship-”

“So, you are trying to say that we are yet to reach the stage where we can make our relationship work.”

“Kind of. We need to-”

Fluke’s words were cut off as Ohm entered his room and slammed the door behind him.

“Can’t you just let me finish talking?” Fluke yelled at the closed-door huffing in anger.

Fluke felt that his head was about to explode from handling Ohm’s outbursts.

This was not the first time Fluke was trying to explain the whole matter to Ohm. Coming out as gay and announcing their relationship was a big deal. So big that it might affect both their private and professional lives.

Fluke wasn’t worried about himself; he was worried about Ohm. He had been in the entertainment industry longer than him and had worked hard all these years. This single announcement might be enough to end his whole career. Not to mention his family.

Earth had often mentioned that Ohm’s family might be homophobic. If that were the case, then Ohm might end up in a bad state when he tells everyone about their relationship. That was why Fluke insisted that they wait for a while and eventually let others know of them.

Ohm doesn’t seem to be willing to listen to his reasoning. He was sulking and throwing tantrums every now and then on the topic.

Ever since they started dating, Fluke had seen different versions of Ohm.

A soft Ohm, who would give in to him and is always gentle.
A caring Ohm, whose priority is always Fluke.
A clingy Ohm, who loves to be pampered by Fluke.
A sulky Ohm, who wants complete attention.
A protective Ohm, who safeguards Fluke from any kind of threat or danger.
A possessive Ohm, who turns into Hulk mode every time Fluke interacts with a person for more than a few minutes. 

Fluke would be lying if he says that he didn’t like all these versions of Ohm. They have only made him fall deeper in love with Ohm. Though the possessive version of Ohm did seem a little excessive and aggressive to him. If Ohm wasn’t his boyfriend, he might have called him an obsessive psycho fan given the attitude the elder gave him.

The way Ohm glares at the people who talk to Fluke did make the latter feel creeped out for some reason.

Ohm’s temper tantrums had no reasonable explanations. Once he starts, Fluke will have to put in a lot of effort to get him to calm down. The frequency of such occurrences had been increasing exponentially, leaving Fluke exhausted.

Fluke had started getting the feeling that he was actually not familiar with the original Ohm for some reason. He was often frightened by Ohm’s overbearing possessiveness. He didn’t know if their relationship was going in a good direction or not as it was way too different from what he had pictured it to be.

Fluke was lost in thoughts when the door to Ohm’s room flew open and Ohm walked out in long strides. He stopped in front of Fluke and tightly hugged the latter.

“I am sorry, Noo.” He said, still pouting. “I just hate it when your name is being taken with others. I know you want to keep a low profile but there are just too many people lingering around you that I feel insecure and possessive.”

Fluke hugged him back and rested his head on Ohm’s chest listening to the strong rhythmic heartbeat. “P’ Ohm, no matter how many people linger around me, my heart and soul will be yours. It was, it is and it will always be.”

A contented smile appeared on Ohm’s face. His Noo knew the right words to say to calm him down.

“P’ Ohm, I hope you can trust our relationship more and let go of your fears.” Fluke placed his chin on Ohm’s chest and looked up.

“I will.” Ohm pecked on Fluke’s lips and smiled widely.

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