35. Attack on Hospital

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In the room backstage at the conference venue

Ohm was answering the video call from his grandfathers.

"Good job three of you." Ohm's paternal grandfather laughed heartily.

"We were planning to use this opportunity as a test for you three. You didn't disappoint me." Ohm's maternal grandfather chimed in.

Ohm, Kao, and Boun smiled awkwardly hearing the old man's words.

"Grandpa, we need to get going. We have to deal with the situation here." Kao said interrupting the two old men.

"Yes, Yes. Go do your work."

The three cousins bid goodbye to their grandfathers and hung up.

Earth was nervously pacing back and forth when Prem entered the room.

"Prem! Prem, tell me what is going on." Earth rushed over to Prem as soon as he stepped into the room.

"Shouldn't it be you who should be telling me what is going on? the four of you pulled such a big stunt to bring down Peach." Prem was bewildered to see Earth's face.

"We didn't do it. And what is with the new series you and Fluke are taking part in? How come I have no idea of that?" Earth asked.

"It is the series Fluke mentioned last time."

"But that was only an idea, right?"

"You should ask Fluke about that."

Earth was going to continue asking questions when he saw First enter the room after knocking.

"N' Earth, thank you so much for arranging everything so quickly. The timing was perfect. Or else the issue would have blown up beyond proportion." First held Earth's hand as he thanked him.

"Also, congratulations Khun Ohm on winning the award. Some media outlets have already contacted me to ask you if you could have an individual interview with them. I had directed them to P' Yacht." First said to Ohm.

"P' First I didn't do anything." Earth blinked innocently.

"You don't have to be polite. You can take some credit for all the hard work you did." First patted Earth's shoulders with a smile.

"Credit for my hard work?" Earth asked feeling lost.

"Yes. If it wasn't for you finding and arranging those pieces of evidence you send me we couldn't have used them in the press conference. Also thank you for writing up the speech for me. I didn't even have the time to go through the whole set of evidence. You even coordinated with the legal team to send out legal notices. Thank you, Earth. You made my work much easier."

"Me?" Earth pointed at himself.

First nodded in response.

"You emailed everything to me last night. It was last-minute work. But everything ended well." First sighed in relief.

First got a phone call and excused himself.

Earth pulled out his laptop to check his email. He found nothing. He hacked into First's email and found the mail that has been sent to First from his email.

Earth was so shocked to see the contents of the mail.

The other four people leaned in to see the contents of the mail.

"Earth, are you saying that you didn't gather these?" Boun asked as he continued going through the mail.

"No phi. I was with you guys the whole day yesterday. Besides, see this evidence, I don't have the ability to get such confidential information in such a short time."

"Then who is it? Who would help us?" Ohm frowned.

"No idea phi."

"Earth, take a look at the speech. Don't you find the style of writing familiar?" Kao asked.

Earth and Prem started reading the speech seriously.

Their eyes went wide in realization.

"You know who did this?" Boun asked seeing the change in their expressions.

"FLUKE" Kao, Earth, and Prem said in unison.

"This bitch. How could he get the police involved? That too the special squad at that. He could get caught for hacking." Earth cursed out loud.

"Prem, where is Fluke? Was he there at the resort when you left?" Earth turned to face Prem.

"No. I thought he was with you guys. He wasn't there yesterday as well." Prem shrugged.

"He wasn't there yesterday as well? He told me he would be in the studio working on his new song." Earth asked.

"He came back at night. He was in a bad mood when he got back. He went directly to the dance studio and practiced like there was no tomorrow. He looked kind of frustrated for some reason. I wanted to ask but you know how scary Fluke can get when he is in a bad mood." Prem scratched the back of his neck.

"I don't think Fluke will take such a huge risk without any reason something must have happened."

Earth didn't finish speaking, his phone rang interrupting his speech.

He excused himself to attend the call when the others continued to go through the pieces of evidence.

Earth came back sweating profusely.

"What happened Earth?" Prem asked seeing Earth's tensed face.

"Just as we expected, something big did happen. Peach sent people to SIRENE. Many patients and hospital staff were injured by them." Earth breathed heavily

"SIRENE? As in Fluke's mom's hospital?" Ohm asked

"Yes. The people were arrested and taken away by the police. They were local thugs that would do anything for money. Fluke must have hacked into their self-phones and found the connection between them and Peach."

"I can't believe that Peach would go this far." Boun fumed.

"They said Amy was very badly injured and is in critical condition. She might not make it." Erath gulped trying to hold back his tears.


"Amy is a seven-year-old kid who has been staying in the hospital for a while now due to heart disease. Fluke is sponsoring her treatment. They are extremely close. He really wanted to adopt her. But her parents were against it."

"No wonder. Fluke will not let this slide." Prem said biting his lips.

"Why are things getting more and more complicated?" Earth covered his face with his hands.

"Don't worry Earth. Amy will be alright." Kao consoled Earth.

"If she doesn't I can't imagine what Fluke will do. He will not be able to take it. He will blame himself for everything."

"Earth, Fluke is better than you think. He is like water, which can take the shape of any jar it is filled in. He will stay strong." Kao patted the sobbing Earth.

"No phi. Fluke can't think straight when he gets angry, which happens very rarely. Once he is angry, he is the incarnation of a daredevil." Prem said wiping his sweat.

"Why is everyone so tensed? Isn't everything over? Now Peach can't do anything more, can she? 

The police have already arrested her. Fluke is on our side, right?" Boun asked.

"Hia, Fluke doesn't have the habit of playing gentleman with the people who cross his bottom line. This is just the beginning. We can't predict his next move once he goes berserk."

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