82. Nephew

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Prem was on his way to Boun’s villa.

In the afternoon, Boun was called back to his family mansion. Prem was aware that Boun was not on good terms with his family. Being called back like this, Prem felt that there was something wrong.

That was why he decided to look for Boun as soon as they packed up.

After getting to Boun’s mansion, he was greeted by the sight of Boun trying his best to put the crying baby back to sleep.
Prem hadn’t seen this baby before but could guess his identity as Boun’s nephew.

“Hia” Prem called out gaining Boun’s attention.

“Pao, what are you doing here?” Boun watched as Prem walked over and took his nephew from his hand, slowly patting the baby’s back.

It was like magic, the wailing baby had stopped crying and was now looking at Prem’s face with tear-filled eyes.
“Hia, he must be hungry. Do you have any milk here?” Prem asked lightly rocking the baby in his arms.

Boun nodded and headed to the kitchen to take milk. He followed Prem’s instructions and heated the milk and then cooled it to a lukewarm temperature before filling it in the feeding bottle.

Prem took the bottle from Boun and tested the temperature by dripping a drop of milk on the back of his hand. He then positioned the baby and let the baby drink milk from the feeding bottle.

Boun watched the whole scene with a tender smile.

Prem handed the almost empty bottle back to Boun after the baby was done. He then patted the baby’s back making it burp.

The baby soon fell asleep without making a fuss in Prem’s arms. He slowly laid the baby in the cradle before turning to Boun.

“So, his Mae left?” Prem asked.
Boun nodded looking down. “She left him behind. She wants me to take care of him.” Boun said in a low voice.

“She made the right choice. I thought she might end up sacrificing everything in the name of maternal love.” Prem said pushing Boun to sit down on the chair.

“But, he is still too young, Prem. My parents are too mad at her that they are not willing to take care of him. P’ Oreo is already taking care of Lyra and Leah; I can’t burden him anymore.” Boun didn’t bother to hide the helplessness in his voice.

“Didn’t you just say that P’ wanted you to take care of him?” Prem asked crossing his hands over his chest.

“But Pao…I...” Boun wanted to speak but stopped when Prem sat on his lap facing him and looped his arms around his neck.

“My Mae had been complaining that all her friends are boosting to her about their luk lan [1].” Prem glanced at the sleeping baby.

Boun didn’t know if he was hearing right. Boun wondered if Prem was suggesting what he was thinking in his mind.

“You will be an amazing Phor for him. Trust me, Hia.” Prem pecked on Boun’s lips.

Boun felt an overwhelming amount of emotions taking up his mind, causing his eyes to tear up.

Prem kissed away his tears.

Boun stood up carrying Prem up in the process.

“Hia…” Prem giggled. “Make sure to keep it low tonight. I don’t want to wake the baby up.”

Boun smirked and placed Prem on the bed, nodding.

After an hour Prem was lying against Boun’s bare chest while the latter played with his hair.

“I can believe you named him Wanut.” Prem chuckled.

“Of course, he is Warut’s and Noppanut’s son after all.” Boun looked fondly at the youngster.

“When did I agree to that?” Prem got up from Boun’s chest and turned around to look at Boun.

“Since the moment you promised me that you will stay by my side till the end,” Boun smirked at Prem.

Prem narrowed his eyes and pouted before laying back on Boun’s chest watching the baby sleep.

Boun laughed seeing Prem’s cute antics and wrapped his hands around the latter’s waist pulling him closer in a bear hug and placing a sniff kiss on Prem’s black silky hair.

Both of them smiled feeling the warmth of having a complete family.

“When are you getting the procedures done?” Prem asked holding Boun’s hands.

“No idea. I need to talk to the lawyer.” Boun said looking down at their intervened fingers.

Prem hummed in acknowledgement.
“Are you sure that your Phor-Mae will be okay with this?” Boun asked his worries reflecting in his voice.

“I think so. Who wouldn’t like our cute N’ Bew[2]? I am just afraid that my Mae would actually kidnap him from us.” Prem chuckled.

“I will talk to her personally and explain everything. We might need her to help big time from now on. We won’t be available to take care of him all the time. I can’t just leave him with a caretaker without any supervision.” Boun said.

“You are right. We can’t entrust him to a stranger. But having my Phor-Mae shift to Bangkok from Chiang Mai might be a huge task. We might need to depend on our N’ Bew’s charm and cuteness for that.” Prem agreed and voiced his opinion.

“Till then, Pa Ann has agreed to give us a hand. They can take turns taking care of him.” Boun said.

He like the fact that Prem was addressing his nephew as ‘our’. He couldn’t help but feel grateful for the destiny that led him to meet someone like Prem in his life. He couldn’t imagine what he would have done if Prem had been against him adopting Bew as his own. He would have had to choose between Prem and Bew in that case, which would have been heart-wrenching for him. He didn’t want to give up on either of them.

“Try to get some sleep. We have a shoot tomorrow.” Prem rubbed Boun’s temples to help him fall asleep.

“I know.” Boun smiled adoringly feeling Prem’s concern for him. “We need to drop by Pa Ann’s place and send Bew over before we head to the set.”

Prem nodded.

“We need to do some baby shopping as well. Bew doesn’t have many things here. We need to buy more toys. Also, we need to convert one of your guest rooms into a baby room for N’ Bew to use. I will ask Fluke to find a suitable interior designer for us.” Prem said listing out the things they had to do.

Boun placed a deep wet kiss on Prem’s chubby cheeks surprising the latter who was making plans on what they had to do in the following days.

“You are so cute,” Boun said looking at Prem who was staring at him with wide eyes and open mouth looking as if he was frozen in that state.

Prem felt his ears turn red causing the elder to laugh.

Even though they have been with each other for almost a year now, Prem was still not used to having Boun act all affectionately to him, resulting in him blushing hard whenever Boun did something romantic.

[1] Luk lan - grandchildren

[2] N' Bew- Boun's nephew

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