33. Press conference

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"Ohm I really don't want to do this. But you are not leaving me any choice. Tomorrow afternoon I am holding a press conference, I want you to attend the press conference and announce our engagement, or else you know the consequences. I don't care about my reputation as long as I can have you. If you can't be mine, I will never let anyone else have you either."

Peach's words were ringing in Ohm's ears.

Ohm was outside the venue of the conference waiting for Peach's arrival.


"Ohm..." Boun shook Ohm lightly as he received no reply from his cousin.

Ohm was brought back to reality. He turned to face Boun and Earth who were staring at him.

"Ohm, why aren't you answering our questions. What's with the press conference, that too with Peach? Did the two of you reach an agreement? Can you tell us what is going on here?" Boun asked impatiently.

"It's nothing. You will know after the press conference." Ohm dismissed the questions with a cold face causing Boun to kick the nearby can in frustration.

Yesterday morning, Ohm woke up and found himself in the hospital. He understood that Kao and the rest had brought him there. The drug was already out of his system after a night.

Earth had already found CCTV footage that he had been kidnapped. They wanted to know what happened after that. Where Peach took him, what did she do after kidnapping him, and how he managed to escape.

Ohm had answered the questions vaguely without going into the details.

He didn't want others to know that he was almost raped by Peach and Nick. The experience was too traumatizing for him to even remember.

After getting back home, Ohm took bath several times in disgust, scrubbing every inch of his body that Peach touched.

Once he came out of the bathroom, he found his phone chiming non-stop.

Ohm picked up his phone to see several unread messages from an unknown number. He opened the chat and saw the photographs of him and Peach that were clicked by Nick. Those photographs were edited in a vulgar way.

Ohm's eyes went wide with shock.

He received a call from the same unknown number. It was Peach.

She threatened him that she would release these photographs and claim that he had raped and blackmailed her. She wanted him to acknowledge her as his fiancée and announce that they were engaged to the media.

Ohm was so shocked that his hands slipped and the phone fell to the ground. He couldn't explain the feelings he was going through at that moment. It was a combination of anger, frustration, disgust, sadness, and helplessness.

Ohm curled up into a ball on the floor crying the whole night.

The next day morning, Kao found him lying on the floor.

Even under Kao's persistent questioning, Ohm didn't say a word about the whole incident.

Ohm saw Peach walking over with Nick, dressed beautifully.

Boun and Earth were surprised by her attire.

Earth called Kao to let him know of the situation causing him to rush over.

By the time Kao reached the venue, Peach was already talking to Ohm.

She had pulled Ohm along with her to have a private chat.

Kao and the rest watched as Peach handed Ohm a velvet box.

"You know what to do right? I will announce that we are in a relationship, and you will propose to me on your knees." Peach said to Ohm in a low voice as she pulled him closer.

"It's time. " Nick looked at his wristwatch and spoke.

Peach removed her hands from Ohm and entered the venue followed by Ohm.

The venue was filled with media professionals. Peach waied to each of them happily.

Boun, Kao, and Earth entered the venue through the backdoor unnoticed by the media.

Peach eyed Ohm indicating him to walk to the stage and act as a gentleman by offering her his hand while climbing the steps to the platform.

Just as Ohm took his first step, he heard the hall door open.

The sound attracted the attention of everyone including Ohm.

A group of police officers marched in.

The group stopped in front of Peach and Nick.

The head of the group said "Khun Patila Puangmaha [1] and Khun Kamthorn Thongkham [2] you are under arrest. "

A policeman held the arrest warrant up for everyone to see.

" On what basis are we being arrested? " Nick protested as the police officers forcefully put handcuffs on his and Peach's hands.

"Are you sure you want to get the long list started here?" A police officer asked as he shoved Nick towards the door.

"Ohm, you did this right? You planned all this right? " Peach yelled at Ohm like a mad woman.

Ohm who was shocked by the turn of events stood still. He managed to keep a straight face when he watched the police drag Peach and Nick away by force.

The hall door closed blocking out Peach's screams.

The cameras were flashing nonstop trying to capture every moment of the incident. This was a big scoop of news. None of them wanted to lose this.

"Khun Ohm, can you explain what is going."

"Khun Ohm, why is Khun Peach being arrested? "

Khun Ohm... Khun Ohm...

The reporters started throwing questions at Ohm.

Ohm was frozen on spot trying to digest the situation.

The door opened again drawing the attention of the people inside the room.

First enter dressed in a three-piece suit along with a few other employees of the PR department.

First, as the head of SZ Entertainment's PR department was a well-known figure among the media. His arrival had successfully attracted everyone's attention from Ohm.

The reporters understood automatically that the one who will be making the announcement on behalf of SZ is First and Ohm might be answering their queries afterward.

An employee walked the frozen Ohm to the side.

As Ohm took a seat, the staff handed him a bottle of water. Ohm absent-mindedly took the bottle and drank its whole content in one go.

Kao, Boun, and Earth walked up to Ohm.

They looked at him expecting him to give them an explanation. But Ohm was looking at First and the staff who were setting up projectors and a podium for First to speak in.

"Swadee Khrap, I am Chalongrat Novsamrong, the head of SZ Entertainment. First of all, I would like to apologize to everyone for the delay. Thank you everyone for your patience." First bowed on the platform before continuing.

"I know you all have so many questions about what is going on. I will explain them to you one by one."

"SZ Entertainment and its artists had been submerged in scandals and controversies for the past two months. Even though there were official announcements made through SZ entertainment's official social media account, there were many questions regarding the matters." First, glanced at the faces of the reporters.

"Today I am here to give you a clearer explanation of everything." First smiled.

[1] Patila Puangmaha- Peach's official name

[2] Kamthorn THongkham- Nick's official name

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