39. Suicide

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"You fed it to Peach and Nick, right?" Earth asked pulling Fluke's face in his direction.

A creepy smile spread across Fluke's face.

"Fluke, what the hell did you do? There are police involved in this." Earth screamed.

"I just wanted to know how it worked. I needed some lab rats for testing it. Who else can be better than the people who got my baby girl killed."

"Those two people committed suicide, Fluke. You know that?" Earth raised his voice.

"You are talking as if I was the one who came up with the drug. They are just getting what they deserved. They just got the test of their own medicine. As for their suicide, this drug has got nothing to do with it. It is just a cover-up." Fluke paused and shot a glance in the direction of Boun and Ohm before continuing.

"Someone wanted them to keep their mouth shut. It was framed as a suicide."

"You mean there are more people involved in this matter?" Boun asked feeling suspicious about the glance Fluke shot him.

Fluke didn't say a word and stared at Boun with a smile.

His eyes fell on Ohm who was staring right back at him without blinking.

"What are you looking at? I didn't cause your girlfriend's death. She got herself killed by getting involved with the wrong people." Fluke scoffed at Ohm.

"She is not my girlfriend," Ohm said monotonously.

"Oh! I should call her your fiancée, then?... no, no ex-fiancée?" Fluke smirked.

"Fiancée? What the hell are you talking about, Fluke?" Boun asked feeling frustrated on Ohm's behalf.

"Didn't you know that your dear Nong was going to announce his engagement in the press conference last week? Did I ruin your special moment? I am so... sorry." Fluke had a fake regretful expression on his face.

Everyone was shocked by the revelation.

"Is he telling the truth, Ohm? Is that why you called the media over? Why didn't you tell us anything?"

Ohm didn't answer anyone. His mind had gone blank.

The fact that Fluke knew, meant that he knew about the pictures as well. Fluke must have misunderstood his relationship with Peach because of those pictures.

Fluke exhaled deeply and got up.

"If there is nothing else, then I should get going." Fluke walked upstairs.

Ohm suddenly got up and followed him upstairs.

Earth wanted to stop Ohm and ask for clarification but was stopped by Kao.

"Let them sort it out between themselves first. We can talk to them later." Kao pulled Earth back while watching Ohm make his way upstairs.

"Fluke... Fluke stop." Ohm took long strides to catch up with Fluke and blocked his way. "Fluke, we need to talk."

Fluke secretly wiped his tears before turning to face Ohm.

"What? I don't think we have anything to talk about, phi" 

"Things are not the way you think they are. I..."

"I am not interested in knowing how things really are. I have no plans in getting involved with you. I promised Earth that I will complete my work, so, I will. Or else I don't even want to breathe in the same air as you do." Fluke pushed Ohm out of his way.

Regaining his balance from the sudden push, Ohm reached out to get hold of Fluke's wrist.

"Let go" Fluke struggled to break free.

"Fluke. Last time we met, you said you understood me. You even encouraged me saying that everything will be alright. Then why are you behaving like this?"

"Exactly. I understood you. So, stop putting on an act as if you care about others. Because your acting skills are so good that people can't tell apart when you are acting or not."

"What are you talking about, Fluke?"

"There is no one else around. No cameras, and no fans. So can you stop putting on a show here? Because it is disgusting." Fluke started swinging his hands in full force to get rid of Ohm's grip.

Instead of letting go, Ohm's grip grew tighter.

"Let go of me. You are hurting me."

Ohm intently let go of Fluke's hand.

"Fluke, just tell me what it is." Ohm's sight fell on Fluke's slender wrist that had been bruised by him. "I am sorry, Fluke. I didn't mean to hurt you." Ohm stepped forward.

"You want to know what happened? Nothing happened. I just don't want to be associated with someone like you. I don't want to be called 'the slut who is trying to seduce you' anymore. That's it."

Fluke's words instantly gave Ohm the idea of what happened.

Since Fluke had broken into Peach's place, he must have heard the conversation they had. He must have heard Peach insulting him and Ohm not protesting against it.

"Fluke, I ..." Before Ohm could finish speaking, Fluke shut the door in his face.

Ohm knocked on the door calling out to Fluke to come out and have a conversation. But he got no reply.

The commotion upstairs attracted the attention of people downstairs. They came up to take a look.

"He doesn't want to talk to you, Phi?" Prem asked.

Ohm shook his head looking down.

"What is he mad about? Didn't you say that Fluke doesn't blame Ohm for the whole incident?" Boun turned to Earth.

"This is not about the incident. He must have heard my conversation with Peach the other day. He must be thinking that I have the same opinion as Peach." Ohm shot a glance at the shut door.

"If that is the matter, then I will explain it to him Phi. He listens to me even if he doesn't listen to you. Don't worry." Earth reassured.

"But what's with the engagement thing Fluke talked about? Ohm, are you hiding something from us?" Kao asked seriously.

"Peach threatened me to announce that we are engaged at the press conference that day. Actually, she was the one who arranged it. Do you remember her handing over a velvet box to me at the conference venue? That was our engagement ring. She wanted me to propose to her on my knees in front of the media."

"What? She threatened you? Why didn't you tell us something this big?" Boun got angry at his stupid cousin.

"Boun, those people were way too dangerous. They kidnapped me in the broad daylight and none of us could do anything. I didn't want to drag you into danger."

"And the solution you found was to agree to her terms and get engaged to her?" Boun wanted to punch Ohm.

"I just wanted to buy us some time. Some time to figure a way out."

Boun lost control of his emotions and rushed forward. Kao, Earth, and Prem held him back with great difficulty.


Ohm stood still without giving any explanation.

At the same time, Fluke was completely unaware of the commotion outside his room. He put on his noise-canceling headphones and listened to music as he cried his eyes out.

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