64. Engagement Proposal

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“WHAT? P’OHM’S PARENTS WANT FLUKE TO GET ENGAGED TO DREAM?” Prem and Sammy screamed in unison.

“Yeah.” Earth massaged his temples.

The other two slumped back into their seats with their mouth wide open in shock.

Earth was narrating the incidents that happened at the dinner the previous night.

Ohm and his parents had invited him, Fluke and his parents for a dinner last night. It was held at a private hotel owned by the Ritpraserts.

The dinner was pretty peaceful despite the invisible cold war between Ohm and Fluke. Fluke had refused to sit next to Ohm and took a seat next to Dream and was chatting with her in a hushed tone throughout the dinner.

Poor Earth ended up being the sacrificial goat, who was forced to sit next to Ohm who was emitting an ice-cold aura. Earth felt that he might not be able to digest the food he ate, in fear. It was the first time he saw Ohm like that.

“They can’t be serious, right?” Sammy clenched her hair.

“They were. They were dead serious. Why else would they propose the idea before mom and dad.” Earth licked his dry lips.

“How did they react to the proposal?” Prem stared at Earth.

“Who? Mom and Dad? They were obviously happy to hear that. Especially Mom, she was over the moon. She really likes Dream very much.” Earth sighed.

“Oh, God. What the hell is happening these days?” Sammy looked up at the sky and complained.

“P’ Ohm didn’t say anything?” Prem asked. He was the calmest person of the three.

Earth shook his head in denial. “He seemed to be supportive of the decision.”

“Wow. That’s Great.” Sammy dramatically clapped her hands.

“So, what happened then? What did Fluke say?”

“You know Fluke. He always has difficulty saying no to elders. Especially when they are people he cares about.” Earth cracked his knuckles.

“Now, don’t tell me Fluke said yes to the engagement.” Sammy jumped close to Earth waiting for his reply.

“No, he didn’t.”

Sammy patted her chest sighing in relief as he heard Earth’s reply.

“But, he said that he will think about it.”

“Sammy, keep your words low. You are breaking my ear drum.” Prem said covering his ears.

“Seriously, Prem? You are worried about your ear drums now?” Sammy looked at Prem in disappointment. “Aren’t you the least bit concerned about this whole matter?”

“It is not that I am not concerned, Sammy. But overreacting like this is not going to help.”

“Overreacting? Are you saying that ‘I’ am overreacting?” Sammy emphasized the word ‘I’ as she glared at Prem.

“Now, You two don’t start a fight. I am already having a headache dealing with Fluke and his matters.” Earth’s tone was serious.

The other two sat back in their seats calming down.

The three friends were in the artist waiting room of ‘Housemates’. Today was a day off for Fluke and Ohm was yet to rejoin the production after his leave.

Boun and Prem had scenes to be shot today. Prem had got his makeup done and was waiting for Boun to finish his scene so that Prem gets his turn.

When Boun entered the room, it was dead silent.

The three friends had different levels of distressed expressions on their faces.

“May I know what happened here?” Boun asked to feel as if he had entered a funeral hall from the kind of vibe the three were giving off.

“I need to get some fresh air.” Prem sighed and got up from his seat. He patted Boun’s shoulders before leaving the room.

“So?” Boun sat on the seat that Prem sat before. He eyed Earth and Sammy alternatively.

Sammy took a deep breath and narrated the whole incident to Boun.

Boun also appeared surprised by the news but soon regained his composure.

“P’ Boun, you knew something like this was going to happen, right?” Earth asked.
Boun nodded. “Kind of. Ohm was acting really strange recently.”

Boun had become part of the gang thanks to Prem. He would often hang out with them and gossip about each other like today. The four of them had grown used to Boun’s presence just like they did to Kao.

Prem came back into the room.
Seeing that there were no more seats left, he sat directly on Boun’s lap.

“Among the three of you, I had always thought Fluke’s love story with P’ Ohm would be the most normal one. Now from what’s happening, I feel that it is going to be really dramatic. Even more dramatic than Earth’s and P’ Kao’s story.” Sammy lamented.

“Hey, Hey. Don’t drag me and P’ Kao into this. There is no love story between us. It is all ancient history. We have a good Phi-Nong relationship now.” Earth clarified.

“Do you think Dream actually has feelings for Fluke?” Prem asked all of a sudden.

“I don’t think so. She is the number one OhmFluke shipper I know.” Boun said wrapping his arms around Prem’s waist.
“You never know. It doesn’t take long for girls to fall for Fluke. He has the ability to charm people around him. Not to mention the way Fluke takes care of her.” Earth said.

What Earth said was true. If they hadn’t known better they would have thought that Dream and Fluke were already a couple than siblings given the way they interact. They were aware that Fluke only saw Dream as his little sister but for Dream, but they couldn’t guarantee the same. Any girl would develop feelings for a guy who would treat her the way Fluke did. It was only a matter of time.

“Wasn’t she at the dinner as well?” Prem asked.

“She was. She also seemed shocked by the proposal.” Earth placed his hands over his lips.

“Should I have a talk with her?” Boun asked.

“I don’t think that is a good idea. We should let them decide.” Prem disagreed with Boun’s suggestion.

“By the way, why are you here Earth? Shouldn’t you be with Fluke?” Boun asked changing the topic.

“I came here to supervise everything on Fluke’s behalf. He won’t be able to sleep properly if I don’t give him a detailed report on how the shooting went today.” Earth sighed.

“I can’t believe that he is still in a mood to care about the shooting.” Sammy scoffed.

“Where is he? Why didn’t he come here himself if he is so worried?” Boun asked.

“Now, he must be at the Ritprasert Mansion, meeting P’ Ohm’s parents.”
Earth looked at his wristwatch. “No, he must be done now. He should be on his way to the studio by now.”

“Why is he meeting them today?” Sammy couldn’t help but ask.

“I think Fluke had made up his mind on the matter already. Most probably he is visiting them to let them know of his decision. He had a long discussion with Mom and Dad today morning. I hope everything goes well.”

“Sadhu” Everyone in the room put their hands together in prayer and said in unison.

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