84. Netherlands

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“As for marriage…There are a lot of people out there who are like us. The world is changing Phi, and so is our country. A lot of people are supporting same-sex marriage these days, and it won’t be long until it is legalised. Why are you worried about such things already? Didn’t we just start a relationship? It hadn’t even been a month and you are thinking so far ahead?” Fluke bit his lip trying to control his emotions.

“My Noo is right. We just have to wait for it.” Ohm’s mood brightened up as he cuddled up with Fluke.

“Not so fast Khun.” Fluke used his index finger to push away the huge clingy bear that was hugging him.

Fluke could see the question marks hanging around Ohm’s head as he did so.

“Not just wait. Don’t expect me to say yes to marrying you as easily as I said yes to being your boyfriend. You will have to work hard, Khun. Based on your performance, I might consider marrying you.” Fluke was being sassy.

Ohm chuckled.  “If you are marrying someone in this lifetime, that would be me.”

“Oh? So confident?” Fluke raised his brows.

“Shouldn’t I be?” Ohm was matching his energy with Fluke’s.

“Let me warn you in advance. Impressing me will not be an easy task.”

“I was able to make it till here. I will make sure that we get to that point. I will make sure that I work ‘hard’ enough.” Ohm had a smug smile on his face.

“Shameless.” Fluke smacked Ohm’s chest as he blushed.

Ohm’s smile grew wider as he fondled Fluke in his arms.

“P’ Ohm, we should go on a vacation after the shoot is over. Just the two of us. What do you think?”

“Hmm… that sounds like a good idea to me.” Ohm’s smile turned mischievous.

“What on earth are you thinking?” How could Fluke not understand what was going on in his boyfriend’s mind at that moment. “I meant I want to travel with you. Go on a trip to a faraway place and relax.” Fluke turned to face Ohm. “Is there any place you want to visit?” Fluke asked eagerly.

“Any place is fine as long as you are with me.” Ohm placed a sniff kiss on Fluke’s cheeks.

“Ew… you are being too cheesy.” Fluke cringed.

“Only to you, honey.” Ohm seemed to be possessed by a confident ghost right now as he was behaving completely different from how he was acting at the beginning of the conversation.

Snuggling into the younger’s chest, Ohm made Fluke giggle.

“P’ Ohmmm… that tickles,” Fluke said in between his giggles. “I am asking you seriously.”

“Actually there is.” Ohm said withdrawing himself from Fluke but still having his hands wrapped around the small one’s waist.

“There is? Where is it?” Fluke was enthusiastic to know.



Ohm nodded. “You know, my parents used to live in Amsterdam for a while now. Before the whole bl project started I visited the place. They have beautiful tulip gardens. Then I didn’t have anyone to enjoy it with. Now that I have you. I want to visit the place again. I am sure that you will love it too.” Ohm ruffled Fluke’s hair.

“Sounds like a plan to me.” Fluke laid back down on Ohm’s chest, planning their future trip to the Netherlands in detail.

Ohm couldn’t help but smile like an idiot while he listened to the little one who was making plans about the places they would visit to what clothes they would wear each day, searching for more information on the internet.

Hugging, kissing, cuddling and whispering sweet nothings to each other had become a part of their routine to the couple. It was like an energy boost to both of them after a tiring day at work, even though they had spent the whole day together.

Earth had gone on a business trip with Kao, as a substitute for Yacht who had recently taken a vacation for a few months after the whole Peach scandal. No one could blame that poor soul for wanting some rest after all those chaos. Little did he know that his artist was already cooking more of it as he was chilling with his babe.

“P’ Ohm, I think we should let P’ Boun, Prem and Sammy know about us as well. Earth said he will reveal it to P’ Kao today.” Fluke said looking up at Ohm’s face.

“I think all of them already know about us.”

“They do know. But we have to let them know officially.”

“You want to flaunt our relationship?”

“Kind of.” Fluke chuckled.

“As you wish my love.” Ohm agreed with a peck on his cheek.

“P’ Ohm… I…” Fluke hesitated before bringing up the topic.

“Hmm? What is it, Noo?”

“P’ Ohm, there is one more person to whom I want to announce our relationship. I want to make things clear to that person.” Fluke said carefully.

Ohm could partially guess who Fluke was referring to. But he let Fluke finish.
“Fame,” Fluke said the name and waited for Ohm’s answer.

Seeing no reaction from Ohm, Fluke continued to clarify.

“P’ Ohm, the fact is that Fame kind of knew that I was in love with you and that was one of the reasons why she jumped off the building. She felt that she was taking my happiness away…”

“Hush…” Ohm placed his finger on Fluke’s lips. “You don’t have to explain anything to me, Noo. I understand how much she means to you. Don’t worry. This time I will not get jealous or feel insecure. I will come with you to meet her next time you go to the hospital.”

Fluke nodded happily.

“This weekend, there is no shoot scheduled for either of us. So, let’s go visit her then.” Ohm looked at Fluke fondly.

Fluke was really happy that Ohm agreed without much persuasion. He had been a little worried that Ohm wouldn’t like the idea of him visiting Fame due to the complicated situation between the three of them. But luckily, Ohm agreed with him faster than he thought.

“After the hospital visit, let’s go on our first official date.” Ohm caressed Fluke’s soft cheeks.


Ohm nodded.

“We have gone out on several days by ourselves but we had never gone on an actual date even though we have started dating. So, let’s go on one this weekend.”
Hearing Ohm’s words Fluke knew that the elder had already planned the date beforehand. His idea of visiting Fame might have actually disrupted his plan.

“P’ Ohm we can visit Fame another day too,” Fluke said meekly.

“No. We need to visit her this weekend itself.” Ohm declared making Fluke look straight into his eyes. “I want to let her know that you are mine already.”

Fluke’s eyes widened in realisation. Ohm, agreeing to visit Fame with him was not because he wanted to but because Ohm wanted to declare his ownership over him to prevent Fame from making any moves when she wakes up.

Fluke shook his head at Ohm’s childish antics.

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