Sneak Peak 2.2

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The timer beeped making Prem snap out of the daze. The conversation he had with Sammy in the car on the way back home, was really getting to him.

Somewhere in his heart a slight feeling of insecurity that was deeply hidden within his heart ever since the day he became Boun's started acting up again.

"No Prem. Don't even think like that. Hia is not going to do something like that." He chanted to himself, trying to calm down the obnoxious feelings that were clouding his mind.

He opened the lid of the cooking pot. Hot steam wafted out of it as the water in it was still boiling. It took a skewer and poked the potatoes inside the pot to see if it was fully boiled.

He drained the water away and took out the boiled potato pieces. He then added it to the hot skillet with melted butter. He cooked them till their corners started to turn brown and added the crispy fried thin sausage and slices of bacon to it. The thinly sliced bell peppers and onions that were sautéed were added to the skillet, alongside parsley, black pepper and minced garlic. He sauteed the whole thing again, before turning down the flame.

This dish was one of the dishes Boun loved the most. Prem happily finished off his cooking with it. He then proceeded to pack everything. He packed the rice and the side dishes in separate containers. He didn't forget to make a cute heart shape on the top of the rice with boiled green peas.

He then packed all the containers into an insulated lunch bag. He then proceeded to clean the kitchen and wash all the dishes he used.

Looking at the clean kitchen, he let out a deep breath of satisfaction. He sniffed himself. He face cringed as he smelled all sweaty and the smell of the food he cooked was lingering on him.

Prem ran upstairs to have a quick shower. He picked out the teal button-up shirt with a beige jacket. He paired them with cerulean twill pants. He restyled his hair to make himself look cute yet hot at the same time.

With a final look in the mirror, he was ready to go. He happily drove to Boun's office.

Once in the office building, Prem entered with his very own visiting card, that Boun had specially made for him. He got on the elevator and pressed the button to the topmost floor.

The topmost floor of the building was exclusively meant for Boun and his secretaries. Others had to make an appointment before going up there. But Prem didn't have to.

He hummed a melody that suited his mood as the elevator took him to his destination.


The elevator door opened and Prem stepped out. To his surprise, the secretary who normally greets the guests coming out of the elevator was missing. Even though he found it odd, he dismissed it and walked further into the office.

None of the secretaries were in their seats, including the chief secretary. This made Prem frown. This was really unusual.

The noise coming from the other side of the floor attracted his attention. He walked over to check what was going on.

As expected, all the secretaries were gathered there. The place was decorated with balloons and ribbons. This made him wonder what was going on there.

Prem stretched his neck to see beyond the crowd. The secretaries moved a little bit giving a clearer view to him.

In the middle of the crowd stood Boun along with his chief secretary.

Prem had met the young guy a few times. He was not only good-looking but was also good at his job.

Prem frowned when he saw Boun taking a huge bouquet of red roses from one of his secretaries. He saw Boun handing the bouquet to his chief secretary. The chief secretary took the bouquet gracefully, earning a wide range of applause from his colleagues.

The next thing Prem saw made his heart drop.

Boun got down on his knees and pulled out a ring. In his most enchanting voice, he asked "Will you marry me?"

The chief secretary was blushing hard, giggling, covering his face.

"SAY YES! SAY YES!" The crowd chanted.

The chief secretary nodded and Boun slipped in the ring to his fingers.

Pop pop

Several party poppers went off. Everyone was cheering for the couple. Everyone but Prem.

He was frozen in his spot. He was thunderstruck. He couldn't believe what he had just witnessed. Tears made its way out of his eyes. He shrugged backwards and hit the wall, leaning on it for support as he felt his body losing its strength and his legs were giving away.

No one had noticed his presence. Not even Boun, who stood in the middle of the crowd smiling widely at his secretary-turned-fiancée.

Gathering all the remaining strength in him, Prem walked back to the elevator.


The elevator door opened and he entered it. He pressed the button to the parking lot.

His tears took no name of stopping. He had lost. He had lost everything. His love. His family.

He had never imagined such a day. A day when he will no longer be a part of his Hia's life. His place in Boun's heart and life was as unshakable as he thought. If it was, he wouldn't have been replaced this fast.


The elevator door opened to the parking lot. Prem walked out of the elevator. He got inside the car and drove it out of the parking lot.

His car stopped far away from the Guntachai office building. He got out of the car with the insulated lunch bag. He walked into the solitary road. Once he was away from the main road, he took out a plastic sheet and spread it on the roadside. He opened the lunch bag and took out the containers.

He emptied all the food onto the plastic sheet and mixed it well. Soon, the smell of the food attracted a bunch of hungry street dogs.

Prem stepped away letting those dogs eat all the food he had made with so much love. He watched the dogs hungrily digging into the delicious treat.

Within a few minutes, the whole food was gone. The street dogs approached Prem with wagging tails as if thanking him for the food.

Prem squatted down to pat a few of them "At least you guys appreciate the effort I put in. I wish he did the same." He bit down on his lips as his eyes turned glossy.

He stood up and picked up the plastic sheet, throwing it into the public trash can. He washed his hands and got in his car.

His next destination was their home or the place he used to call his home but is no longer his. He had to get his things out. 

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