5.Dream came true

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"I still can't believe this is happening. It feels like a dream". Earth said as he collapsed onto the couch.

"Me neither". Fluke joined him on the huge couch.

"It feels like it was yesterday that we were begging people to hire you to sing at functions and today here we are, officially signed under Thailand's entertainment giant SZ," Earth said nostalgically.

Fluke and Earth had signed the contract with SZ Entertainment. They had just done unpacking their stuff in their new dorm.

"The company is especially rich to provide a three-bedroom apartment for you. That too fully furnished." Earth commented looking at the new condo that was given to them.

"Yeah, did you see the studio room? The walls are soundproof. I don't have to worry about waking up neighbours when I work late into the night" Fluke was fully satisfied with their new nest.

"This calls for a celebration... but I'm too tired to celebrate... " Earth whined

"Let's celebrate another day then" Fluke chuckled.

After a few minutes of silence

"Hey Fluke, are you asleep?" Earth nudged.

"No, what is it?" Fluke turned around to face Earth.

"You know what? Today morning, when we entered the company's building for the first time, I was pretty nervous. My hands were covered in sweat when we signed the contract." Earth scooted closer to his best friend.

Fluke sat up and looked at his friend. He too had felt the same way. "I know, it may seem unbelievable to you. But given my handsome looks and amazing talents, this is only natural."

"Blregh... I will pay you to be less narcissistic" Earth made a face at Fluke.

"Truth be told, I am a little worried about the whole series thing. I feel that we have been trapped."

"Trapped? By whom?", Earth became serious as he heard Fluke's worried tone.

"I don't know. It's just... things don't add up, Earth. Me being scouted over to SZ, them allowing you to come along, me getting the lead role in their first ever BL project even without auditioning for it, 'the golden manager' Khun Yacht being so friendly, asking us to call him Phi, letting you be his assistant and .... And... even this apartment, look at the facilities in here. I have a damn studio on my own inside the house. Don't you think we are being treated too nicely?"

"Now that you mention it, it does feel kind of suspicious. Don't worry. I will look into it." Earth assured him.

"Above all this, I am worried about acting opposite P' Ohm. If I screw up, his fans are going to kill me. I can't even imagine when the cast is announced, what is going to happen to me. Those OhmPeach shippers are really aggressive." Fluke sighed, mentally preparing him for all the hate he was going to get because of the role.

"That is something, that needs to be taken care of. Most probably, the PR team will take care of that. Since it may affect P' Ohm as well. By the way, did you go through the script P' Yacht gave you?"

"Yes, I did. Thankfully there are no kissing scenes or love scenes. Or else it would have been awkward."

"Thankfully? Fluke, was your brain kicked by a donkey? The one you are playing against is Khun Ohm Thitiwat. People will die to get a chance to kiss him. And you? Being thankful? Do you know how lucky you are? Didn't you see his face today? You don't feel like kissing him? Not even a peck?"

"You should really get a boyfriend, Earth", Fluke said as he saw the lewd expression on his friend's face. "How about that boy who has been texting you these days? The one you met at the fan club?"

"He is just a little kid, a high schooler to be exact. He is too young, Fluke."

"Never thought you out of all people would care about the age gap", Fluke bit onto an apple.

Hearing no response from his buddy, Fluke turned around, only to see Earth staring at him expressionlessly. Fluke instantly understood that he said something he shouldn't have.

"Fluke, we just changed agencies. I don't want to waste my time. I want to focus on our careers." Earth said with a serious expression.

"I was just joking. I am sorry, Earth" Fluke hugged his sulking friend.

"Please don't make such jokes again. They are not 'funny'"

Fluke knew that he had pissed off Earth. So, he tried to divert the topic. "I read the script and I don't know if I am up for it. Maybe I should back down and take a support role or something?"

"You can't do that. According to the new contract, if the agency arranges for you to do a job, then you have to. There is no way out."

"Damn it!", Fluke punched the table.

"Fluke. Is there something wrong? Why are not interested at of a sudden? Is it because of P' Ohm?"

"Yes. Partly. He is adding so much pressure. The whole company has huge expectations of this project. What if I can't meet them?"

"Relax, Fluke. I have already discussed this matter with P' Yacht. He said that there will be an acting coach assisting you. You don't have to be stressed about that. As for P' Ohm, I asked around and it is said that he is super easy-going with co-actors. So, stop being paranoid."

"I am not being paranoid. Nervous maybe?"

"What? The great Khun Fluke got nervous? That too because of a mere human!" Earth said with a fake exasperated expression.

"Today, even though we only saw him from a distance. I felt pretty tense. My heart was beating like a drum. I don't know how I am going to act next to him."

"'Heart beating like a drum'? Maybe it is love at first sight!" Earth wiggled his brows teasingly.

"Love, at first sight, my foot. How many of his movies have we watched? I didn't feel anything then."

"That is exactly what I said. It is your first time seeing it in real life. You can't deny the fact that P' Ohm looks way more handsome in person than on-screen."

"Fluke, listen carefully. If that is the case, it is something normal. Seeing a hot, good-looking, charming guy and feeling something is not a crime. But don't let it affect your career and professionalism. You have to sort out your feelings yourself. Because from now on you will be working closely with P' Ohm."

"I know. I will think it through." Fluke looked at his watch. "Oh! It is already so late? I have a recording tomorrow."

"You better go rest then. I have to make a few calls to make sure that everything needed for tomorrow's recording is ready."

"Thanks, Earth. What will I do without you." Fluke hugged Earth.

"If you are done hugging, then go. We need to get to the studio early in the morning."

"Yeah. I know. Good night. Dream of me."

"Why would I dream of you? I only dream of handsome men. Maybe someone like P' Ohm?" Earth stuck his tongue out as he watched Fluke go back to his room.

Earth then proceeded to make several calls and make arrangements

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