37. He is innocent

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“FLUKE OPEN THE DOOR. I KNOW YOU ARE IN THERE.” Earth knocked heavily on the wooden door.

The automatic wooden door slides open.
Earth walked in and went straight upstairs into Fluke’s study.

Fluke is sitting in front of many monitors controlled by a single system.

Earth heaved a sigh of relief after seeing Fluke in front of him.

“Fluke, are you alright?” Earth asked carefully. 

“What could happen to me?” Fluke answered with a straight face, his eyes glued on the screen.

“I heard from P’ Mean about what happened at the hospital.” Earth moved closer.

“Oh! Everything is alright don’t worry.” Fluke was reading something on the screen.

Earth looked at the screen and was shocked to see the content displayed.

“Fluke, tell me you are not going to do what I think you are going to do.” Earth gulped.

“Earth, you are really my best friend. You always know what is in my mind.” Fluke turned his swivel chair to face Earth.

“Fluke you should not. He is innocent.”
“He is innocent? Then what about the patients in the hospital that got injured today? What about my fans who got abused? What about Amy? What about ME? Are we the villains then? We deserved to be treated like this?” Fluke asked in a calm tone interlinking his fingers as he spoke.

“That is not what I am trying to say, Fluke. He is not the one who hurt you. It was Peach, it was Peach all along. He had nothing to do with this. In fact, he is genuinely concerned about you. He even took the risk to go and face Peach himself.”

“He was concerned about me? He was only worried about himself, worried that I might drag him down. All he cares about is his fame. And I gave it to him. I let him take all the credit. Isn’t it enough to thank the fake concern he showed?” Fluke scoffed.

“Fluke, things are not the way you think they are. He had tried his best to take control of things. He really did. He never did anything to hurt you. Everything that happened was not intentional.” Earth explained.

“He may not have done anything. But that doesn’t change the fact that he is the root cause of all this mess. And you are saying he tried? To hell with his efforts. If he had not interfered, I would have ended this a long time ago.”

“Fluke, don’t let your anger get in the way of your thinking. You saw how P’ Ohm was working day and night to sort things out. Weren’t you guys on good terms when you met a few days ago?” Earth took Fluke’s hand.

“Fluke, promise me. Promise me that you will not hurt P’ Ohm.”

“Earth I ...”


Fluke stared at Earth’s face for a while. From the look on Earth’s face, he knew that if he didn’t listen to Earth now, this might be the end of their friendship.

“I promise,” Fluke mumbled.

“Promise what?”

“I promise that I will not hurt him.”

“Hands on the table. Promise me that you will complete the series with him peacefully and maintain a healthy relationship with him. PROMISE ME NOW.”

“I promise that I will not hurt P’ Ohm and I will complete my work with him peacefully. I will try to maintain a good relationship with him.”

“Good boy.” Earth ruffled Fluke’s hair.
“Earth, I don’t understand why you are taking his side,” Fluke asked annoyance evidently in his voice.

“I am not taking anybody’s side, Fluke. I am just doing what is right. I know you are upset because of the hospital incident. But letting your anger out on someone who was hardly involved in the whole matter is not right, right?”

Fluke looked away.

“I don’t want to do the series anymore. I don’t want to see his face again.”

“No Fluke. You have to. You promised me.”

“But why Earth? Why? Can’t they just find a replacement?”

“Don’t you want to get revenge?”

“How does my acting in the series have anything to do with revenge?”

“Fluke, you always said that when you want to hurt someone deeply, then take away their most precious thing.” Prem walked in and took a seat next to Earth.

“From Peach’s perspective, P’ Ohm is the most precious thing. She loves him more than anything.”

“More like she is obsessed with him.” Earth chimed in.

“Exactly my point. If you finish the series with him, you will be officially replacing her as P’ Ohm’s partner. There is nothing more painful for her than seeing someone taking her place.”

Fluke was quiet.

“You don’t have to worry about the rest. I will handle it.” Earth assured.

Fluke didn’t know if he was mad at Ohm for the hospital incident or because of what he saw two days ago.

Two days ago, when he found out that Ohm was going to meet Peach alone, Fluke was worried. He knew Peach’s relationship with the Khuruwityophats and also knew how dangerous those people could be.

Hence, Fluke had silently followed Ohm as he visited Peach.

Fluke had watched the whole interaction between Ohm and Peach.

He saw how Ohm had held Peach carefully like a glass doll when he brought her upstairs. He saw Ohm’s concern for her. He saw how Ohm didn’t react when Peach referred to him as a slut. He saw how Ohm denied them… what could he call it? They weren’t in a relationship. But Ohm had always been flirting with him. Making him feel as if Ohm really had feelings for him.

Fluke had felt really bad that day.
This was also the reason why he didn’t have the guts to appear in front of Ohm and Peach in the warehouse even though he was there.

Fluke had followed Peach and Nick to the warehouse. He had seen Ohm and Peach on the bed. He saw them kissing. He stood there watching Peach molest Ohm. He didn’t move. He didn’t help. He just couldn’t.

Then only one thought ran through his mind ‘Who was he to help? Who was he to be there? He was no one. It was their business and he had no place in it.’
Fluke couldn’t just stand there seeing Ohm struggle to escape.

Peach and Nick had not fainted because Ohm injected the sleeping potion, but because Fluke had attacked them with a small needle-like drug packet and also cleared the way for Ohm.

Ohm was able to successfully escape because of him. He had destroyed the jammer that was preventing Ohm from contacting others, letting Ohm get in touch with others.

When Ohm fell asleep on the roadside, he stood guard till the other three came.
After ensuring Ohm was in safe hands, Fluke went back to the warehouse and destroyed everything. He only left behind a digital copy of the photos after embedding them in a timer virus [1] as bait to lure them into taking action.
But hell broke loose when Fluke found out that Peach had sent people to mess with his people, pushing him to take action himself.

[1] Timer virus- the photographs will get deleted themselves after a fixed amount of time.
(A/N: I have no idea if something like that actually exists.)

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