93. Lake-view villa

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“So, what do you think?” Fluke closed his eyes enjoying the gentle breeze.

“I don’t think it is a good idea.” Ohm frowned.

“Why? You don’t like the view?” Fluke faced his boyfriend.

“It is not about the view, but the neighborhood. All your neighbours are so nosy.”

The couple was standing in the lake-facing plot that Fluke owned. He was planning on building a vacation villa in that plot. He had everything planned in his mind before.

“Ho… Khun Jelly, what should I do with you?” Fluke playfully pinched Ohm’s cheeks. “Today, they were asking me about you.”

“About me?” Ohm pointed at himself.

Fluke nodded. “They asked what your name is, how old are you, where you are from, what you do for a living, and most importantly if you are single.”

“Then what did you tell them?”

“I told them everything. I wouldn’t waste a chance to boast about my handsome boyfriend.” Fluke winked.

“The handsome boyfriend that was left behind as soon as Mix arrived.” Ohm sneered.

“P’ Ohm…” Fluke whined acting cute.

“Don’t try to pull the cute card with me today. Last night you were so reluctant to come back home with me.” Ohm sulked.

“What to do? Cute things are my weakness, just like you.” Fluke cupped Ohm’s face. “Come on, show me those cute dimples.”

“I am not in a mood.” Ohm tried to turn his face away. Fluke had to exert extra force to make Ohm look at him.

“Why are you always like this, phi? We-” Fluke was interrupted by Ohm.

“Because I am jealous, okay. I am really jealous. We only get to spend a little time together by ourselves and you insist on spending it with others. Once the filming completes, we will split into two ways and may not even be able to see each other every day. That is why I want to spend some time with you alone. But you… don’t get me started…” Ohm was annoyed at Fluke’s friendly to all behaviour.

“Phi, you know I want the same.” Fluke felt a lump in his throat.

“No, you don’t. you don’t have time for me. You have to attend your friends, your neighbours, your ex-classmates and then if you have some time left, you would spend it with me.” Ohm angrily kicked a stone that flew into the distance.

Fluke bit his lips trying to hold back his tears. This was not the first time Ohm was bringing up this topic. Fluke had tried his best to spend time with Ohm but was often disturbed by other people making Ohm frustrated.

Fluke said nothing and continued to look at the ground.

Ohm noticed the huge teardrop falling from Fluke’s eyes. His anger vanished into thin air. He pulled the younger into a tight hug.

“I am sorry Noo. I didn’t mean to get mad at you.” Ohm whispered.

Fluke buried his face in Ohm’s chest and continued crying.

“Noo should stop crying na. Phi is sorry. Na.” Ohm said gently.

Fluke nodded, hugging Ohm tightly. His tears stopped and only sniffles could be heard from the small body.

“Noo, look at me.” Ohm lifted Fluke’s face. “Phi loves you so much. So much that no matter how much time I spend with you, that won’t be enough for Phi. Phi wants Noo to feel the same towards Phi as well.”

“Noo loves P’ Ohm too. I too want to stick to you. But I don’t know how to avoid those people without being rude. I mean I can’t actually ask them to leave when they come to talk to me. Noo is sorry if Noo made Phi feel left out. Noo is really sorry.” Fluke whimpered.

Fluke could act assertively in front of everyone but in front of Ohm, he couldn’t keep his strong front. He never bothered to hide his true emotions in front of Ohm. He would cry and whine like a baby who needed attention. 

Ohm said nothing and just kissed Fluke’s forehead and cuddled into a cosy hug
The couple went to the nearby restaurant to have lunch.

“P’ Ohm, this used to be my favourite restaurant after Earth’s family restaurant. All the dishes here are super tasty.” Fluke said excitedly, introducing his favourite dishes from the restaurant.

Ohm sat opposite Fluke listening to him rumbling about how delicious the food there was.

“We used to pool money to come here once a month.” Fluke recited his childhood experiences with his friends. Fluke was like a kid who was asked to talk about his favourite toy. He was talking non-stop.

“Boun once told me that he regretted not agreeing to his parents when they asked him to come and stay here with our Khun Pu and Khun Yay. I now feel that he was right.” Ohm chuckled and sighed.

“Why? You fell in love with the place?” Fluke asked.

“No, I fell in love with you. I missed a huge part of your childhood because of my stupid decision.”

“But we still managed to meet.”

“We met, but if I had grown up here, then we could have made more memories together like P’ Kao and Earth.”

“You have a point there.”

The waiter brought in the food.

“Wow.” Fluke squealed. “Hmm… smells so good.” He inhaled the aroma of the food.

Ohm chuckled seeing Fluke’s amusing expressions.

“P’ Ohm, help me click some photos.” Fluke handed his phone to Ohm and started posing along with the food.

“Now let’s take a selfie.” The couple clicked a few more photos before Fluke took over the phone to take Ohm’s pictures.

“Aren’t you going to upload them to social media?” Ohm asked seeing Fluke keeping his phone aside.

“I will, after finishing the food.” Fluke dug in like he had been starving for the past few days. He groaned tasting the food. “Still so delicious.”

“Eat slowly.” Ohm poured a glass of water for Fluke.

Fluke looked up and flashed him a smile with a mouth full of food, his cheeks bulging like a hamster as he chewed the food.

Ohm felt like his heart was hit by Cupid’s arrow again.

“P’ Ohm you should eat too or else I will finish the whole thing,” Fluke said moving a few dishes towards Ohm.

“You can have it if you want.” Ohm offered.

“No, I brought you here to try these. I know you are going to really love them.” Fluke insisted.

He waited eagerly as Ohm took a bite of the food.

“How is it?” Fluke asked seeing his boyfriend blinking several times tasting the food.

“These are indeed delicious.” Ohm dug in.

Fluke’s smile grew wider. “I told you.”

The couple emptied the table within a few minutes and called for the seconds.

“Ah… I am too full.” Fluke said rubbing his flat tummy while sitting in the passenger seat.

“Me too.” Ohm smiled “Let’s go back home and take an afternoon nap”
Fluke nodded in agreement and Ohm stepped on the accelerator.

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