94. Sleep alone

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“P’ Ohm, I really want to introduce you to P’ Ja,” Fluke said sitting on Ohm’s lap flipping through the old photo album.

“P’ Ja, as in the researcher guy?” Ohm asked.

Fluke nodded. “I think the two of you will hit it off.”

“But, I heard the otherwise.” Ohm was looking at one of the photographs of young Fluke hugging his elder cousin Ja’s hands.

“What did you hear?” Fluke was puzzled.

“I heard that your Phi is so overprotective of you and would frighten away anyone who tries to approach you.”

Fluke burst out laughing. “That is exactly why I told you that the two of you will get along. Aren’t you the same?” Fluke rubbed his nose against Ohm’s.

“He is your phi and I am your hubby.”

“Oh ho?” Fluke laughed even louder.

Ohm was silent, waiting for Fluke to stop laughing.

“Okay. Okay. I will stop.” Fluke clenched his aching stomach from laughing too much sensing the displeasure. “What makes you think that you won’t get along with him?”

“What if he tries to scare me away from you as well?”

“If he does, will you be scared away?” Fluke asked in return.

“No way. I just don’t want you to be put on a spot between us.” Ohm pressed his forehead against Fluke’s.

“I don’t think P’ Ja will be against us. In fact, I think he would actually support us.”

Fluke could see the confusion on Ohm’s face.

“Let me explain.” Fluke cleared his throat and readjusted his position on Ohm’s lap.

“I recently heard that P’ Ja had returned to Bangkok a few months ago and he didn’t contact me or Earth.” Fluke was almost jumping in excitement by the end of the sentence.

“What is there to be so excited about that?” Ohm was lost.

“He had been lingering around SZ Entertainment’s headquarters in Bangkok.” Fluke smiled widely.

“You mean, he was trying to keep an eye on us?” Ohm still couldn’t connect the whole thing to Fluke’s excitement.

“No. He was there for someone else.” Fluke jumped out of Ohm’s lap and started pacing back and forth. “Can you believe it? My Phi actually left his research centre for someone! I almost passed out when I heard that.”

“Ah… Okay?” Ohm scratched the back of his neck failing to follow his boyfriend’s thoughts.

“P’ Ohm, why aren’t you excited?” Fluke grabbed Ohm’s both hands and shook him.

“Fluke. I don’t quite understand what you are trying to say. Do you mind calming down for a moment and explaining the whole thing?” Ohm asked with a fake smile.

Fluke took the photo album from Ohm and kept it aside and sat across Ohm holding his hands.

“My Phi is in Bangkok, away from his research institute, looking for someone who is working in SZ!” Fluke almost stood up from his seat in excitement but was pulled down to sit by Ohm.

“And who would this ‘someone’ be?”

“P’ Ohm, do you remember P’ First from the PR department. He was the one who helped us back when the whole Peach scandal occurred?”

“Yeah. I remember him. He has been an employee there since the beginning of SZ.”

“He was P’ Ja’s friend at university. They used to be in the same club back then.”


“P’ Ja is back to look for P’ First.” Fluke squealed like a fan girl.

Ohm exhaled deeply.

“You still don’t get it, don’t you? Let me explain. I recently found out that P’ Ja had a huge crush on P’ First back in university, but never got a chance to confess. Now he is back to try his luck with P’ First.”

“Oh…” Ohm nodded understanding the situation.

“And this is good news for us.”

“What does your phi having a crush on one of our employees a good news for us?”

“If we manage to help him with the whole matter, then he will definitely support us.” Fluke smiled ear to ear.

“Why do we need his support. I mean what for?”

“P’ Ohm, my family still don’t know that I am into men. I still don’t know how to break it to them. I really hope that they are happy about our relationship and give us their blessings. If P’ Ja is there to support me, I think we will have an easier time persuading them.”
Ohm’s jaw fell open.

“Now, you are being dramatic.” Fluke closed Ohm’s jaws and pouted as he didn’t get the reaction he wanted from Ohm.

Ohm started laughing seeing Fluke glare at him.

“I thought someone was unwilling to tell anyone about us or plan our future,” Ohm said between his laugh.

Fluke sulked. “Really, P’ Ohm? Are you saying that I am not serious about our relationship?”

Ohm couldn’t help but place a kiss on Fluke’s pouty lips.

“No. I am just too happy that you are thinking of our future. I always thought that you will take your time to make plans for us.” Ohm hugged Fluke’s waist.

Fluke made a face at Ohm, pushing him away.

“I think you should sleep alone tonight. I do 'need' a lot of time to 'think'.” Fluke flashed a fake smile and picked up a pillow and duvet before pushing Ohm out of the bedroom.

“Noo, what are you doing?” Ohm was shocked as he was kicked out of the bedroom and Fluke closed the door in his face.

“Noo, open the door. I was joking.” Ohm called out knocking on the door.

“I was not joking at all. I ‘need’ time alone. Go sleep on the couch in the living area.” Fluke said from the other side of the door.

“Noo, I am sorry.”

“Noo, I won’t say something like that again.”

“Noo, I love you.”

“Open the door, baby.”

“My love, my darling. Open the door na. Phi is really sorry”

There was no response from the other side of the door no matter what he said.

Ohm sighed and resigned to his fate and headed to the living area carrying the pillow and duvet Fluke had thrown out along with him. The couch in the living area was big enough for Ohm to sleep comfortably. But he missed the little warm body he used to hug to sleep.

Ever since they started dating, they have never slept on a separate bed. This was the first time.

Placing the pillow against the armrest, Ohm lay down on the sofa. He had a small smile on his lips despite having to sleep alone. He loved it when Fluke threw a tantrum at him and acted childish with him. It made him feel special. He closed his eyes to sleep.

A few hours passed and the bedroom door finally opened. Fluke slowly made his way to the living room without making any noise to check on Ohm.
Fluke smiled seeing his boyfriend fast asleep. He was afraid that the couch may be uncomfortable for Ohm. He rearranged the duvet covering Ohm properly and turned to leave.

All of a sudden, his hand was grabbed by the person who was ‘sleeping’ and was yanked back. Ohm covered Fluke with the duet and cuddled with him smiling.
Fluke rolled his eyes and cuddled back.

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