20. Where the journey began 3

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Ohm was having his own little 'Eureka' moment in his condo at the cold midnight. He was over the moon. 

After spending several days watching useless audition videos, he did it. He finally found him. He had found Sky. The perfect Sky.

Ohm paused the video and zoomed in to get a better view of the face of the candidate on the screen.

Yes, that face, those eyes, that wide smile, that cuteness. It was exactly what he was looking for. Ohm felt like Sky from the script had come to life. The visual was so perfect.

He pressed the play button secretly hoping that the latter's acting skill would be good enough to take up the lead role. He watched the whole clip.

The crew had made the candidate do multiple scenes, emotional scenes, fight scenes, and normal ones. The acting, facial expressions, and voice modulation while delivering the dialogue, everything, was exactly on point. The only reason he was not selected was that he did not have any prior acting experience as the Director of the series insisted.

Ohm was satisfied with the results. His choice was right. He immediately flipped through the documents in his hand and picked out the candidate's portfolio.

"Fluke Natouch Siripongthon" Ohm read out loud.

"Age: 22... Profession: singer, music producer, songwriter, and model...Mm... Impressive. Oh, he goes to the same university as Dream. " Ohm mumbled as he went through the biodata of the candidate.

Having found the perfect Sky, Ohm turned in for the day. He twisted and turned on the bed but was unable to sleep due to excitement. He ended up giving up the idea of sleeping that night.

Ohm picked up the portfolio again. He went through every little detail given in it thoroughly. He took a closer look at the photo attached to the portfolio. He had to make sure that he made the right choice. He didn't want any mistakes. An undeniable urge to find more about Fluke rose within his heart.

Ohm went online and started searching for details of Fluke. He was like a child who got a new toy. Extremely excited and happy.

Fluke's popularity had risen when a video of him singing "Let's hug", an old slow melody to his friend, who was having a panic attack on a subway rail, went viral. The song successfully calmed down the person having a panic attack. A co-passenger had filmed the whole scene and uploaded it online.

A large number of people were captivated by Fluke's voice. He had become famous overnight. People were enquiring about his details when students from the university he attended uploaded videos of singing in college events like Freshy Day, inter-department music competitions, etc.

Each and every one of them was widely shared and viewed many times.

As his fans increased, Fluke started his own YouTube channel. The contents of his channel were diverse. It had topics like music, fashion, health, and food. No matter what the topic was Fluke always managed to keep the audience hooked. It was also the reason why he had all kinds of fans in his fandom.

About a year ago, BNC Entertainment, a second-tier entertainment agency signed Fluke in.

Fluke made his official debut as an idol with a song written, produced, and sung by him. Ever since then his popularity has been growing at an exponential rate. He collaborated with various artists as a songwriter and music producer. He had also released a few singles on his own.

Fluke's fandom was called "The Chance" which was named after the meaning of the word 'fluke'. The number of members of the fandom was rising day by day.

Ohm was honestly impressed to see the information.

Setting the career prospect aside, Ohm started looking more into Fluke's personal life.

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