The First Date

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It's been a few weeks after the Championship. They all went thier seprate ways and doing thier own things.

Bella was back in modeling again, but she had a day of today for some unknown reason.

She was reading on of her books when sudendlly her phone rang. She picked it up. "Hello?"

"Hey Bella"

She was suprised. "Kai, hey" she put her book down. "How are you?" she asked.


"I'm great and you?" he held a small box in his hand. "I'm great, i started modeling again recently, it's super fun" she sounded happy, he was glad.

"That's good to know" he said. "Listen Bella" he started. "Yes?" she sounded curious.

"I was wondering..would you like to..go on a date with me?" he asked, he tried to sound normal as he possibly could.

Bella was cut of guard, blush appreing on her checks. "Hello? Are you there?" he asked worried. "I'd love to" she said happily.

He was cut of guard, also blushing. "Great, i'm coming to you right away" he decited. "Kai, it will take you 15 hours to-""I don't mind, i want to see you" he cut her off.

She smiled. "Okay, come to me than" she teased. "You bet i will" he whisperd in the phone and hanged up. Bella dropped her phone. "Aaaaahhh" she coverd her face with a pillow.


"She said yes" Kai said to Kenny and Tyson. "Great, now all we need to do is get there fast" Tyson said. "I'm pretty sure Kai can do that, since he has a helicopter" Kenny reminded him. "Oh yeah" Tyson remebered.

"We have to inform Ray and Max on this" Tyson added. "Why?" Kai asked. "Because we're coming with you" he replied. "What?" the two were confused. "We don't want to risk you messing things up" Tyson crossed his arms.

The two didn't want to fight him on that note so they agreed and called the two friends.


Bella was still screaming in her pillow cause of what happend, until she heard her phone again. She stopped and picked it up.


"Hey Bella, it's me Johnny"

She was happy to hear him.

"Oh hey J, what's up?"

"Nothing, i just wanted to ask you...can up?"

Bella was cut of guard by his suden tone

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes, i just- i want to talk to you, and i can't do that over the phone"


"I'll come to you"

"You'll need 7 hours to-"

"I don't care, i miss you and i...wanna talk, it's important to me"

Neither of them said anything after a minute or two.

"Okay, tell me when you get here"


They hanged up. 

She was worried about what Johnny wanted. What was so important that couldn't be said over the phone. She respects his decesion, but she was dying to know.


She waited for him, she was getting impatient. It confused her and consered her what he wanted to talk about.

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