A Knight To Remember!

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"Hey guys are we almost there yet? Cause i'm not felling so good" Kenny was sick again. Bella rubbed his back thinking to herself. Was it okay for her to come, sure Robert did saw her that day, and fought her, but, i didn't felt right.

"Come on Chief suck it up, we just hit a little turbulence" Tyson wasn't really helping, he was determant to get to Robert. "Something tells me i shouldn't have that burrito" Kenny said it out loud.

And then there was silence, the only think they can hear is Bella tapping her foot on the floor of the air ballon. Kai put a hand on her knee to stop it. "Calm down" he said. She was embarest. "Sorry"

Enrique and Oliver noticed it and exchanged looks, quickly looking back at the sky at front. "Your hand is still there you know" Enrique let it out, making fun of Bella more than anything. Kai moved it away and turned his head.

He really does see everything

Kai thought,looking at the blonde. It iratated him that he looked out for her so much. He's not gonna eat her.

The lightning struked in the distance and Kenny screamed a bit. "That's it, call me crazy bit riding in a ballon in a lightning storm can't be good for your health" Tyson came to the euro boys.

Ray followed behind. "Let's just hope this thing isn't filled with hydrogen" he said.

Kenny clinged on to Bella's arm. "Hmm?" she turned. "Put this thing down, my stomach can't take more of this" he whined. "Oh Chief, it's okay" she tried to calm him down.

"Uh, you got it Chief, we'll be there in 5 minutes. So just sit back and enjoy the ride" Oliver turned. "And i'm pretty sure, once we touched down Robert will look after you" Enrique assured him.

"You're joking right?" Bella asked the blonde. "Oh come on Bella, he's not that bad" He defended Robert, who wasn't present. "If you say so" she looked down, thinking.

Was it worth it? She didn't know, but she didn't wanted to let her team down.

They came down to the roof of Roberts home and his butler was waiting for them.

"Hey Gustav, long time no see" Oliver gretted. "Yeah, is Robert in?" Enrique asked. "Indeed he is, i'm sure he would be very exited to see you" Gustav told them and let them downstaris.

"Follow me gentlemen-" Enrique cut Gustav of. "Um Gustav" he pointed at Bella. She noded "Oh- my apologize miss" he bowed. "It's alright" she didn't mind.

"It is rather a suprise you coming all this way escepiacly in these conditions" Gustav said. "Hey don't sweat it Gustav, Robert knows were coming. I called him and said there's someone he should meet" Enrique looked at Tyson and the team.

"Oh shucks, the names Tyson" Tyson rubbed his nose. "I'm sorry Master but we have no need of, kitchen help" Gustav looked at the two Europeans. Tyson fell down on the stairs. "He's not here for a job" Oliver said

"Hey pal get bent!" Tyson yelled and Bella helped him up. "We brought him here to see Robert cause he's an awsome beyblader" Enrique looked at Gustav.

Oliver explained what was going on. Gustav apologized and the went downstairs. "Just who does he think je is anyway? He looks like a prngium with an overgrown mustache" Tyson was angry a bit. "Just play it cool okay" Bella patted his shoulder and they went after them.


The sat at the big table, and Gustav was serving them tea. "Scented Jasmine, i don't know how you do it Gustav but you make the best cup of tea anywhere" Oliver commented

"It's a special brend, it's also Master Robert's favorite" Gustav said. "Where is Robert?" Enrique asked. "The Master is curently preocupied with other manners" Gustav replied.

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