Blading With The Stars

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The Bladebreakers were invited to charity event to beyblade before the American tournament. Luckily for Tyson and Bella, there was a lot of food.

But suprisngly, they are not at the same spot.

Bella dragged Kai around, well, not really dragged, he wanted to come with her. "Check it out! So many food" she was exited.

Kai keept holding her hand in case if she got lost. Or, that was an excuse, he wanted to hold her hand for a diffrent reason and it was the good situasion for it.

"Just try to be slow, we don't want you to get lost" he joked. "Hey i won't" she turned to him. "I'm just messing with you" he said. "Uh- fine, let's go get some drinks" she started running, his following her pace behind her.

"Woah- hey- slow down" he tried not to hit anyone on thier way. "Come on, i wanna try everything before we decide who's gonna go for the match" she turned her head to him, smiling.

That view made Kai blush, remembering when they came to Hong Hong. She was quite happy then, and he's glad she's happy now two.

Micheal, who was far away from them, noticed the two in the croud. He watched them carefully, she looked so happy with him, joking around, laughing.

And Kai, smiled more than he thought, staring at her. "Don't they act like they're dating?" Steve came to Micheal from behind. "I guess" Micheal replied, not taking eyes of the two.

"I mean, they look kinda good for eachother" Eddy looked at two as well. Bella was forcing Kai to try some mistery flavoured drinks, he liked one.

"Wanna give it a shot?" Eddy asked his captain. Micheal thought about it. "No, i'll have more chanses, besides, a girl like Bella wouldn't seddle for a guy like Kai" he said and the three All Stars walked off.


Kai and Bella came back to Chief. "Chief, you should have come, there were so many good food" Bella dranked her soda. "I don't doubt it" he smiled.

Bella and Kai putted their drinks down. There were writen thier initials. "Oh man, i can't wait for this to start" she streched, getting ready in case she's picked.

"This is stupid, this circus makes us seem like bunch of clowns" Kai let it out, with his usual biterness. "Oh come on, it won't be so bad, it will be over quickly and than we ca leave" she patted his shoulder.

"Yo guys" Tyson came from behind. "This tournament rocks just wait until i show Tropical Storm Lewis my sweet moves" he started hitting air.

"We have to chouse who's blading tho" Bella said to him. "Hey, what's going on you guys?" Ray came as well. "Just showing off. Did you check out those cool celebs?" Tyson smirked.

Ray blushed a bit and looked up. "No, not me, what cool celebs?" he asked, it looked like he was holding something behind his back. Tyson and Bella noticed it.

They came closer to him. "What's that behind your...back?!" Bella asked and Tyson took it. It was an autograph from Stephanie Stacy Heart. "Got ya" Tyson looked at it. "Aw, you got a crush" Bella giggled.

Tyson wanted to tease him but chouse not to. "Here you go lover boy" Tyson waved the paper and Ray ran to took it, hugging it tightly.

"Okay, let's do it" Bella suggested and than Ray and Tyson stared at eachother, there was a lot of tension. "Rock Paper Scissors i love this game, wish i have fingures" Dizzy joked.

Bella Tyson and Ray stood, making a circle. "One...Two..." Tyson counted. "Shot!" Tyson and Ray showed paper while Bella showed scissors, Max wanted to play two but he was too late.

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