Art Attack

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Bella yawned, getting ready to start breakfast. She saw a note on the table. She took it and read it.

I've got some work to do, wanted to get an early start

Go a head without me


"Guess he'll get breakfast outside" she smiled and put the note in her pocket and get breakfast started.

She was suprised about his handwritting, it was pretty, and she liked it.

Tyson came into the room, yawing along with Max Kenny and Chief. "Morning" they said in union. "Morning guys, breakfast's ready" she put the plates on the table

"Alright!" Tyson sat down and began eating like crazy. "Thank you for the meal" the rest bowed. "No problem" Bella cleaned the dishes.

"Where's Kai?" Ray asked. "He's out, he left the note this time tho" Bella replied. "Kai took of again?" Tyson asked. "Yeah, without me this time" she joked, putting the items away.

"Did he said where?" Ray asked. "No,just this" she gave him the note. The boys went to him to read it. "Go a head without me?! Seriously?" Tyson looked at her. She shruged.

"I'm going out two" Max got up and went to wash his plate. "Me too" Ray got up and did as well. "Where are you two going?" Tyson asked. "To explore" Max replied. "Same here, diffrent place" Ray replied.

"Thank you for the food Bella" Ray and Max said to Bella and went out. "You're wellcome guys" she watched them go and shock her head. "Boys.." she sighed.

"What about us boys?" Tyson hugged from behind. "You always ran of to do your own thing" she joked. "Of course, there are exceptions, Kenny" she giggled. Tyson crossed his arms. "Whatever" he said.

"Oh come on, i'm just joking" she patted his shoulder. "I know" he rolled his eyes. "Let's explore the city than" Kenny suggested. "Yeah let's go" Tyson cherred.


"So Bella, you didn't went with Kai today huh" Tyson walked in front of her. "No, i wanted to join you at the Louvre" she replied. "Right" Tyson and Kenny teased. "What?" she raised a brow at them.

"Yesterday, after our encouter with Oliver, Chief told me what caught his attention." Tyson hugged her shoulder. She was confused. "Oliver said the word Grise that translates to Gray, and you looked straight at Kai, so we made a conclusion" Kenny smiled.

"You two were talking about Kai" they said in union. That suprised her and blushed, putting her hands on her checks. "Uh-""You like Kai, it's offical" Tyson pointed at her.

"N-NO, he's just a friend!" she denied it. "Well, acording to your body language when you're around him. You always turn slightly towards him and you both keep nugging each other" Kenny started staiting facts.

Bella was super red. "You also blush around him a lot. But, you don't react the same when you're with Aidan. You're studering around him" he thought.

"Ugh- stop!" she told him. They looked at her. "Fine, maybe i am into Kai. But you can't tell him got it" she gave them a glare. "We promise" they said in union. She sighed, felling regret all around her.

They started walking again but Tyson had to tease her a little bit more. "I didn't think the glumy ones would be your type" he joked. "Kai's not glumy" she defended him. "Sure" Tyson and Kenny rolled their eyes.

Bella sighed, dissapointed at them and walked a head of them.


They made to the front of the Louvre and there was a lot of croud. "Finally" Tyson chereed. "We can check everything out" Kenny looked at Bella and she noded. "Can't wait" they heard some people talking.

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