A Star Is Born

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"Trust me Bella you would love those two. Billy may been my Bully but we are good now, and Andrew, he's amazing, i can't wait to introude you" Tyson was to exited.

"I'll take your word for it Ty" she said smiling. Seeing him happy after the tournament really bring a smile to her face two. "Okay let's hide in here" he said and got inside the playing era in the park. "Okay" she followed him in.


Later, Andrew and Billy were blading, not knowing the two were there. Tyson told her to keep her cool and she noded. "Maybe you stink a little" they heard Andrew. "Maybe he gets it from you" Tyso peeked his head out.

"That is a distinct possibility" Andrew said and in a second he realzied who he was talking two. "Is that- is that you Tyson" Billy asked. "The one and only" he replied.

"You're..you're back" Andrew was suprised. "I thought you were still in China" Billy turned.Tyson laughed and got out. "Yeah we just flew in last night, the Asian tournament was sweet" he said.

"Anyway, i didn't come alone" he added and turned. "I pressent to you Bella Smith!" he anouced and she got out.

"Hello" she waved. Andrew and Billy were schocked. "It's-it's-" Billy couldn't seddle a sentence. "It's her!" Andrew finish it for him. "Nice to meet you" she smiled.

"Andrew is your biggest fan" Tyson teased his best friend. "I-""He has posters of you in his room-" Andrew coverd Tyson's mouth, embarest. "No i don't, please don't listen to him" he looked at her.

"And even if you do, i don't mind" she said. "Oh" he let go of Tyson. "G-good to know" he said. "Why are you studering?" Tyson asked. "H-how can i not, she's gorgeous" Andrew pointed out. "Yeah, not to mechen talented" Billy added.

"Aw, thank you" she pulled out a pen. "You guys want an autograph?" she asked the two. "Do we!" the two were exited and they gave her peices of paper to sign and she did.

"Thank you very much" they bowed to her. "You're wellcome" she put the pen back in her pocket. "We thought you guys went to the US tournament" Billy changed the topic.

"I'm sorry?" Bella was confused. "I'm not kidding, i read about it this morning" Billy said. "So go a head and showed them" Andrew told him and he showed the news paper. They were at front page.

"Woah, we made a front page hey!" Tyson looked in aw with a smile on his face. Bella looked at it as well and she saw Kai, smiling in it. "Yeah.." she touched the photo, she wanted to have it. She wanted to have a hole arcticle of this.

"Say where can i buy the news paper?" she turned to the two. "Oh, down the road" Billy replied. "Why?" Tyson turned. "I want to have it" she replied, hoping she won't get busted.

"Oh~ i know why" Tyson teased. Bella smiled. "Do you now?" she crossed her arms. "Yeah, you want to keep Kai's smiling face for yourself" he said with confidence. And that's when Bella's smile dissaperd.

"Maybe" she rolled her eyes. "Haha, i knew it" he nugged her. Bella admited the defeat. "Wait, Kai? You like him?" Andrew asked her. It made her red. "N-no-Tyson is just saying nonsence honestly" she waved her heands.

"We'll it would be kinda weird considering he fought Tyson before all of this" Andrew rememeberd the two battles they had. "Wait..." Bella looked at Tyson but he was alredy behind Billy.

"You-you fought Kai?" Bella came to them. "Billy, stay in that posicion, she can't hit you, and you're blocking me right now" he said to him. "Tyson..i think she'll find other ways" Billy was scared.

She sighed. "I'm not gonna hit you, i just want to know why did you fought him" she explained. Tyson moved away. "Better from them to explain than me" he pointed at the two.

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