Drawn To Darkness

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Kai leand against the wall, after a long time of running away and fighting for his life. "I.." he remembered what Bella told him before.

"Do you remember this place?"

"This is where we met"

"It is where we met.." he said quietly to himself.

And..i know why this place haunts my dreams...i know why that man scares me...

He rememberd when they took Alexander away and he moved away from the wall, going backwards. He was still confused. He bumped into someone and turned sudedlly. "Did i frighten you,young Kai?" It was Boris.

Kai couldn't say anything. "You look like you've seen a ghost" he laughed. Kai tried to say something, but didn't make a sound, he was to scared.

"Well Kai" Boris took of his hat and put on some weird goggles on. "Remember now?" he asked. Kai was caught by suprise. "B-Boris" he fell to his kness.

"I grew up...in this abby" he finally admited to himself. "Wellcome back so glad that you remember me, you always were a bright child" Boris looked at him. "And now young Kai you have some very important decisions to make about your future" he added.

That made Kai got up. "Like what?" he was trying to resist. "Like returing, to the team that made you, the team you're now destined to, lead Kai, face your future" Boris streched his hand to Kai's face but Kai pushed it away.

"No" Kai protested. "You must" Boris stepped back a bit. "Get this straight Boris, you may think you know me but i bearly remember you or this rotten abby" he looked down at the ground.

"I bearly remember..""How you met her" Kai looked up at him. "It's quite simple, her father didn't know what we actually do until we cross paths. He knew some people here and thought she was safe, and she was" he looked at him.

"She was supposed to be a part of the team, we knew she was strong and talanted but sadly, her father took her away" he explained.

Kai was suprised, Bella was in this dangreous place and she herslef didn't knew at the time. He tried to brush it off for now. "Coming here out of curiosity was a waiste of time" he turned and took off, running away from Boris.

He was in deep thought again.

So, Bella was here in the abby, that expalines it. Maybe i'll find out more if i connect the dots with her.


Back at the hotel, Bella was trying to focus on reading another book, but couldn't. She was thinking about Kai. It was pretty late, was he still at the abby? She didn't know.

She looked at the cover, 'Romeo and Juliet'. She touched it, her thoughts were coming back to Kai. The cover made her think, would she have to rescue him from the abby, in any case she wouldn't mind.

The door creaked open and the boys came into the room. "Man that was good" Tyson patted his stomach, satified. "Haha, cause of you they'll kick us out" Max joked.

They looked and saw Bella looking at the window. "Hey captain" Ray gretted. She snapped out of her thoughts. "Oh, hey guys, didn't hear you come in" she waved.

"Romeo and Juliet, that's nice" Max smiled. "Thanks" she looked at it. "Something on your mind?" Kenny asked. "Oh, it's just, i can still hear fans screaming in my ear" she rubbed her head.

"Right, they were pretty suportive of the both teams, suprisingly" Tyson layed on the bed. "You didn't eat Bella" Ray pointed out. She put the book down. She didn't went with them for dinner, she was to worried about Kai.

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