Thirteen Candels

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"Well, i didn't expected you to be here so soon" Mr. Dickenson looked at the girl that standed in front of him. She had teal hair, same color eyes with gray shirt coverd with a black jacket,witch had rolled up slevves.

She also had a knee long legings and blue-white-black shoes. Also, a dark blue belt where she keeped her launcher and beyblade, and a pen, in case for the fans (😉)

"I have my reasons Mr. D. I very good reason actually" she was holding a box in her right heand. Mr. D smiled. "Well, i suppose that is for Tyson" he rubbed his chin.

She noded and looked at the box. "I was looking foward to this for a while now. Thank you for your call, i can't wait to be on this team" she had a beautifull smile on her face.

Bella Smith

Tyson's childhood friend.

They been friends since they were 4 and 5, do to the fact that Bella was older than Tyson.

Sadly, she had to leave back to London, her home town, for modeling.

She was a popular model in England, she never took it seriously. She was only doing it for fun. But, it got serious.

"Neither can i! I'm sure the boys would be pleased to see you" Mr. D also had a smile on his face.

He was like another father figure too her,or more like a grandpa. He took care of her as much as he could. However he realzied that she old enough too take care of herself.

"Excuse me for moment, i have too leave this in his locker room before the match" she said. "Alright, but be carefull not to ruin the suprise" he winked, knowing the Tyson would be the happiest guy in the world to see Bella.

"Don't worry, i actually have a plan" she said and head her way.

After a good hot minute of searching she finally found a peorsen she was looking for.

Ryu Granger, or Grandpa, as he menched to call him that.

They had a very good relationship, do to the fact that he also raised the girl. She always felt bad for being around,she felt like a burden to them.

But, they all made sure to make her fell like she was home.

"Grandpa?" She called to him finally. The old man turned as he couldn't belife what voice he heard. "Ah! Homegirl?" He yelled a bit. Bella asled him to keep it down.

"Yeah it's me. Look, can you-" she looked to her right and saw all of Tyson and her neitherbors. "Uh, hello, everyone" she waved and they waved back

"Anyway, can you please give this to Tyson. Mr. D made a little suprise, or me as a suprise. And i just want you not tell him who is it from. Pleaseee" she turned back to him and putted her heands together, begging.

Grandpa was a bit suspecious but smiled. "Okay Homegirl, but don't expect not be any hugs or kisses after this manbo jumbo" her eyes widen.

"The little man really missed you. It's been 2 years. Don't think he won't be way exited" he warmed her.

Knowing how Tyson is she should see it coming from a mile away. "Yeah, of course. I should head back to Mr. D, before i ruin the suprise. See you in a bit grandpa" she waved and head her way.

Grandpa shock his head and looked at the small box. "Huh, kids these days" he said as he opend the door. "Hiya dudes!" He gretted the boys.

Tyson flinched, and started running back to Kenny and Max. "GRANDPA ALERT" He yelled. "What up?" Grandpa opend his eyes and saw the three boys on the floor.

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