Viva Las Vegas

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The alarm was going off, it was 7 in the morning. Bella came inside to wake up Chief, considering that the others alredy left. "Cheif" she shock him to wake up. "Uh..morning Bella" he got up and sniffed something.

"I smell two diffrent things" he said. "Oh, one of them is the food, and the other, is my shampoo, i just washed my hair" she touched her hair, it was still wet.

"Oh! Both smell nice" he smiled. "Thanks, i just made yours, eat it before it gets cold" she told him and went out.

"Thank you" Kenny yelled after her.

"No problem Chief"


She was drying her hair, or she tried to dry it as quickly as she could. In all honesty, she was slow when it comes to drying her hair, at times, when she was at photo shots, Ashley dry it.

She turned off the hair drier and settked it down. "Hey" she heard a voice from behind. It was Kai. "Hey, did you like the breakfast i left you?" she asked. "Yeah, thanks for that" he came inside the room.

He can smell flowers in the room, even tho there weren't any inside. "Did you wash your hair?" he asked. Bella looked at the mirror, embarest. "Yeah" she brushed it a bit, checking if it was wet.

Kai's hands acted before he could think, his hands went through her hair. She couldn't belive what she sees. "You like it?" she asked, cerious. "Yeah, it's soft, i mean it's always soft but..when you wash it, it's much more softer" he looked at it.

"I'm glad you like it" she smiled. He left her hair alone, naturally falling on her back. "It's pretty dry to me" he looked at her in the mirror. "Yeah i think it's okay" she got up. "I'm gonna see where's Tyson, he must be training or something" she went to the door.

"By the way, i like your morning hair" she giggled and went away.

Kai turned and saw it, his hair wasn't spiked as usual. He fixed it quickly, still embarest by the fact she saw him like that. He sighed. "Damn it" he took a breath, remebering the smell from before.

It faded all his trobles in a second. "Focus on the matches Kai" he said to himself and went out of the room.


After getting the team together and heading to the gliterdome by bus, they were all ready for today. The door of the bus open and Kai and Bella stepped out along with Ray and Kenny.

"The roar of the croud" Tyson inhailed. "The smell of victory" He was exited that's for sure. Max pushed him out. "Hey would you please move it" he stpped down. "Hey quit showing" Tyson complained.

They heard a loud noise and it was a lot of high tech. "What's with the circus?" Tyson asked. "Their tech. They like to be a little, extra" Bella staited the ovious.

Max being himself went to say hi to his mum. "Hey mum" he went to her, followed by the rest. "What's going on here with all this high tech stuff Emily?" Tyson asked the redhead.

"Just some standered BBA equipment. Everything we need to keep our team running smoothly. Not to menchen the best techs data specialists and beyblade mechanics in the world that run it for us" Emily bragged about it.

"Well it looks like you have all the bases coverd" Ray commented. "All of a sudden i'm not felling so good" Kenny admited. Tyson wasn't imprised and he was ready to admit it.

"I'm not impressed, listen, even with all those gadgets you're still going down" he said pumped up. "Intresting, let's have a look" she typed something. "You're wrong sorry" she said.

Tyson was suprised. "What are you talking about? Are you some kind of psychic or something?" He asked. "No silly, i simply analyzed your teams data and it said you'd lose in the first round" She replied like it's nothing.

🥀 What If I Told You That I Love You? 🥀 RE-WRITE (COMPLETED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora