Bye Bye Bit Beast

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Everyone was asleep,actually Kenny wasn't and neither was Bella.

She woken by Kenny talking. "Umm" she sat up rubbing her eyes. She looked around and saw everyone sleeping.

Bella smiled, they all looked so peacefull, but Chief wasn't in his bed, witch reminded her why she was awake in the first place.

She got up,waking a certain Grayhead in the process. "Bella..." he called and she turned to him. "What are you...doing?" He asked.

Blush apperd on Bella's checks. "Sorry, i woke up. I'm gonna get Chief to bed. Please go back to sleep" she looked away from him and headed out of the room

She felt her checks grew more red as she stepped into another room. She sighed. "His sleppy voice...." she blushed more and more.

"Bella?" Kenny heard her amd turned to her direction. She jumped. "Oh hey Chief" she looked away and quickly back at him. "What's up? No wait actually, i came to call you to go to bed. You're gonna overwork yourself"

She came to him and put her heands on his shoulder. He didn't move. "I have an hour to back this up so please-" he was cut of by lighting that struged.

"Boy it sure is coming down" Bella sat down next to him. "You didn't put in the defence ring" she pointed out and Kenny flinched. "Ah, thanks" he said and continued to work.

"You're mind is getting somewhere else Chief, we should go to sleep,but since i can't stop you" she got up. "Want some tea?" She asked.

That snapped him out of his thoughts and turned to her. "Yeah that would be nice" he got up as well amd they headed to the kitchen.

The lightning struch again and Kenny jumped, grabing on to Bella in the process. "You scared of thunder Chief?" She looked down at him. He looked nervous. "Yeah...just a little bit" he admited.

She smiled. "Well, you can clinge on to me for a little while than" and were in the kitchen.

"So Bella, i was looking at your blade and, it looked so brand new. Tell me what rountine do you do?" Kenny finished the tea,waiting to cool it down.

"I have a dayly check up. My 'boss' said: if you have a thing you should always check on it. So he got me some people who checks my beyblade every now and then" Bella frouned at that.

Kenny was confused. "But, i prefer when i check it out" she giggled. "You,know how to do that?" Kenny was suprised. "Not completly, just some basic stuff. I don't know as much as you do" she replied,taking her tea.

"And,what about modeling, don't you have a dayly schudule for that two?" Kenny took a sip of his tea.

Bella sighed. "It's on hold right now. Tho, i wish it wasn't" she replied. "I really love blading,but, i want to take modeling seriously. I think i would be a decent carer" she looked down at her cup.

"My dad got me into modeling. Mr. Arnold, my real boss, took dad under his wing for a while. Dad was doing it out of boredom, but,i find it fun, so i'm trying to take it seriously" she turned to him.

"Your dad is a model two?" Kenny took another sip. "No, like i said, my dad was doing it out of boredom. He's an archiologist" she replied.

"I,i see" there was silence betwin them, until he took a risk. "And,your mother?" He asked.

Bella got angry a bit but keeped her cool. "I-i'm sorry if i-""I don't talk about my mother" she replied, taking a sip,trying to hide her sadness.

"I,i see, i'm sorry" Kenny apologized. She turned to him, maybe she didn't have to react that way. She came to his side and put a heand on his shoulder. "Hey it's alright, you didn't know. You were cerious that's all" she said.

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