Live And Let Kai!

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Bella was outside their hotel, on thier terace, looking at the stars in the sky.

Kai, i know you were looking for anwsers but...i don't trust Tala when he says you're sick.

"You should come inside Bella, you're going to catch a really bad cold out here and you know the tournament starts the first thing in the morning" Kenny came to her side.

"I know, sorry Chief" she smiled at him, before turning back to look at the sky. "I'm just..worried about him" she said.

Kenny knew he couldn't take her mind of him. She does like him, way to long. "I know you are, but, we really need you to focus" he looked at her. She turned to meet his gaze.

"We need you to lead this team just as well as you did before. You're also one of our strongests bladers and we need to be prepeard" Kenny regret his words, he sounded cruel.

"Sorry i shouldn't have-""It's okay Chief, I am the captain and i should act like it" she accepted it all. To be the captain, to be on the team, she accepted the respocibility.

"You're right" she added, smiling at him. That caught his of guard and rubbed his head. "Y-yeah" he looked away. "So, is there anything else that's been bugging you?" he asked.

His words broth her back to that woman, who is she, and why does she fell like she knows her. "Well, remeber when we first came to the abbey?" she asked, straighing herself. "Yeah" he replied, pay attention.

"Well, i noticed a woman there, she looked familiar to me and i can't put my fingure on it, it's like i...know her" she expalined. "Hmm, sorry Bella, i didn't see the woman myself, maybe if we see her next time i can find in some datas" he rubbed his chin.

"Thanks, i would apreciate that very much" she turned to him and hugged him tight. "Uh-""You're amazing Chief, sometimes i think we don't give you enough credit" she sighed. "Oh it's fine Bella, i just glad you apreciate my work" he patted her back.

"How couldn't i" she pulled away from him. "You may not be a blader but you still work hard, and that's very admireable" she rubbed his hair. He blushed at the geusture. "Thanks, let's get a good night sleep now" he suggested.

"You're right"


The next morning The Bladebreakers were infront of the bus to get to the stadium, all of them except Tyson. "What's keeping him?" Kenny wondered. "Hey guys don't leave without me!" Tyson yelled and ran to them.

He tried to take his breath. "Nice job, if we had to wait another minute we would have to forfeit" Ray crossed his arms.

"And please don't tell us you didn't hear your alarm" Kenny looked down at him. "Yeah cause i heard it out in the hallway" Max joked. "Give me a break i'm not a break will you i'm not a morning man" Tyson begged with his hands.

They couldn't do much about him so they just went inside. "Alright let's get this show on the road" Tyson suggesed. Before he completly went in, he looked around, hoping to see Kai, but no luck.

Bella knew what's wrong. "You worried?" she asked. "Yeah i guess" he turned to look at her. "He'll show" Ray assured them. "I hope so, or else everything we trained for is down the drain" Tyson said.

"Kai's never let us down, he's probably alredy there" Ray said. "I hope" Tyson got inside. Bella and Ray stood there for a bit. "Hey" Ray put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, i know he'll show up. He won't let you down at least" he joked, he tried to make her fell better.

He did, a little bit, it made her smile. "I hope you're right. Thanks for trying to cherr me up Ray" she looked at him. "Hey, i'm always here if you need a shoulder to cry or cherring up" he pointed at himself.

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