Play It Again Dizzy

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The Bladebreakers team was getting ready to leave, but a cretain someone was keeping herself busy. "Somehing smells good" Tyson came to the kitchen. "Wait..are you making muffins?!" He asked and came closer to her.

"Yeah but not for you guys, sorry" she put them into a box. "What?! Aw man" he was sad. "Who are they for Bella?" Max asked. "The All-Stars" she replied simply "Whyyyyy" Tyson asked, demanding the anwser.

"Because they lost and i want to give them something nice" she replied again, taking a paper and pen "Seriously Bells, you need to stop being nice to those guys" Tyson crossed his arms.

"Tyson you need to stop overeacting, they're nice you just need to see it my way" She write something down and put the paper inside. She closed the box and sighed. "Okay, i'm gonna take these to them, would you mind getting my stuff down?" she asked. "No problem" Max gave her a thumps up.

She went out of thier room and went upstairs to thier room. "Okay, i just hope he'll opend the door" she knocked and waited.

"Michael open the door!" Emily yelled from inside. "You do it!" he yelled back. "I'm working, besides you're closer to the door" she said. She geard Michael sigh and the door opend.

"Oh hey" he gretted. "Hey" she waved.  "You heard that didn't you?" he asked. "Yeah, but that's okay" she brushed it off. Michael looked down at the box. "What's that?" he pointed.

"Oh! These are muffins, for you guys i made them myself" she streched her arms for him to take the box. He took it. "Thanks but, why?" he looked at her. "Well, you guys lost so i thought i should do something nice" she rubbed her head.

"You made these?" he was schocked by that. "Yep, all me" she giggled. "What are the flavors?" he pointed at the box. "Oh all of them are chocolate but, there is one muffin with ornage flavor" she said. He was suprised.

"It's your favorite right?" she asked. "Yeah" he replied. "It has 'M' written on it so you shouldn't miss it" she added. "Thanks" he smiled.

"This is also a thank you, for giving us info, even if we were against you" she said. "I'm always happy to help out" he said. "I'm glad, i hope you enjoy them" she turned to walk away but she sudedlly remebered.

"Oh another thing Mike" she came to him. "Yeah-" she kissed his check, He was suprised. She moved away. "Seriously thank you, i'll see you in Russia" she waved.

Michael touched his check and smiled. "Yeah see ya" he said and she went downstaris.

The comfused All-Stars captain closed the door and opend the box with muffins and surely enough, there was the muffin with an red 'M' on it. There was also a note next to it.

He put the box down and read it. It was written in crussive beautifu letters.

Mike, thank you for your help.
I never would have expected you to help because of my teammates.
That proved to me that your a good person and a wonderfull friend, i hope the team and you enjoy the muffins

Bella <3

Michael looked at the letter in dissbelive. "Hey Mike, who was at the door?" Eddy came to the kitchen and saw the muffins. "Oh Muffins" he took one and looked at his captain.

"Michael?" he was confused. "Don't touch the one that has 'M' on it, i'll be right back" he said and went out. "Wait- okay i guess..." he gave up and ate one muffin. "Mm, delicious" he said.


The Bladebreakers packed thier stuff and Bella was outside the hotel quick. "Okay, are we ready?" she asked. "Yep" Max and Tyson replied in union.

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