The Final Showdown

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Everyone was suprised at the giant iceburg in the middle of the arena. "That's unbelivable" Max got up. "'s tottaly impossible" Kenny corrected him.

Tyson didn't said anything. He was worried, about his friend, his best friend that he knew all his life. She was in this giant, cold iceburg.

"W-we gotta help her out" Tyson came closer to it. He punched it once, twice. "Bella!" he yelled. "Save your breath, she can't hear you" Kai said. "But Kai-" Tyson turned back to him.

He can tell he was upset. He understood but he wanted her out. She won't survive if she stay in there to long.


Bella still tried to process where they were but couldn't. "Tala...what happend? Where are we?" She asked him. Tala could only laugh. It consered her, how the others will react to this.


"She's...trapped inside" Lee was still suprised. "Oh man, i hope she'll be okay" Kevin was conserned, to Lee's and Gary's suprise " too" he hoped she'll be okay.


"It seems like a freak acident" Judy concluded from the scanning that Emily did. "So there's nothing we can do" Emily concluded as well.

Micheal was frustareted. "No way! We have to think of something and fast" he snapped. It suprised his team. "We have to help her, anyway we can" he added.


" not good" Oliver's brows frouned. Enrique looked over at Johnny. He was scared for her, he could tell.

"She'll be okay" Robert assured him. It suprised him yet again, it was probably a bigger suprise all day. "We all know Bella, and i know she'll be alright" he said.


"Is big sis okay?" Alice asked her other sister. Electra wasn't sure what to say. "I..hope she is" she said.


"Will you tell me now where are we, and what happend?" Bella demanded anwsers. Tala took a minute to reply. "We warped into another dimension" he said.

She was suprised. "We..did?" she looked around. This, was another dimension, it looked like nothing to her.

"When our bit beast collided we fractured the time space continuum and we were send here, to finish our battle" Tala explained and started his attack, making his blade dissaper.

"Our...bit beasts did this. They have much power than i thought" she looked at her blade. "It all makes sence now" she realzied.

"I'm glad you're not so dence as your friend Tyson. That would be quite dissapointing" Tala said. She could only see his eyes, she couldn't tell if he was smiling or not.

His blade apperd and attacked Bella but she was prepared for it.

"I'm not scared of you or Wolbrog. Saphfire let's get out of here"


"If it's that they're in another dimension how in the world will they get back?" Emily asked. "Would you please zip it i'm trying to watch" Micheal said to her. He was still worried.

"I think i know the anwser to that question. The only way out is one of them win the battle" Judy expalined. She sounded unsure of how will this play out.


The battle was still going, but Bella wasn't felling well do to the cold. "Looks like your Saphfire is starting to suck wind" Tala joked, she never knew he was capable of jokes, if that was a joke anyway.

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