Out Of The Past

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Tyson Max Ray and Kenny headed down for breakfast a bit earlier than expected. Technacly, they dragged Tyson out, and Bella didn't knew why.

She was left alone with Kai, who was still asleep, at least, that's what she thought.

Bella was quietly checking her blade on her bed next to Kai's when sudendlly she heard a grunt. She turned and it was Kai, it looked like he was having a nightmare of some kind.

She put everything down and went to sit on his bed. "Hey" she called to him, shaking him lightly, but he wasn't budging. "Hey wake up" still no responce.

Sudendlly he rose up, looking terified. "Kai" she put a hand on his shoulder. He turned to her quickly and pulled her to him, hugging her tightly.

She blushed, suprised at his gesture. "Hey, everything's okay" Bella smiled and hugged him back, trying to calm him down.

"Everything's okay" she rubbed his back, whispering in his ear. He felt better but he wanted to hold her longer, do to the silence in the room, he realzied that they were the only onces present.

She pulled away and held his checks. "Hey, no need to be scared anymore, it was just a nightmare" she assured him. His body finally relaxed, leting her hug him.

His head rested on her chset which caught her by suprise. "Kai-""Thank you" he raised his head. He was to close to her face. "No problem, want to take a walk and talk about it?" she suggested.

It caught him of guard again. She was always so kind, even tho at times he didn't desereve it. "Yeah" he agreed to her request. "Great, but first. Let's get breakfast" she took his hands and pulled him out of bed.

He was dressed but it wasn't compelte. She waited for him, but noticed his scarf liying around. She took it. Kai looked for it, rubbing his head. Bella putted it on his neck from behind. "Looking for this?" she asked.

Kai got a bit flusterd but chuckled. "Thanks" he held her gaze. She let go and let him finished getting ready.

She was embarest from what she did, but at the same time didn't care. "Ready to go?" he asked. "Yeah" she took her blade and put it in her pocket.

It was a silent walk to the hotels kitchen, sadly she couldn't cook, there was no kitchen in thier hotel room. He wished he could eat her cooking but maybe some other time.

"To bad we can't eat what you make" Kai said sudendlly. Bella smiled at that. "Aw, well, maybe after the tournament is over, i can make something" she smiled. "I hope so" he mumbled to himself.

But she heard him. "You hope so huh?" she teased. Kai looked away, not dening anything. Bella wasn't complaning, she was glad he liked her cooking.

They went to get some food and sat alone at one of the tables. "I'm sure the food is great here so we don't have to worry" she sat down. He did as well. "Yeah" he got lost in her face again. He decited, this was the moment,he have to tell her.

"Hey Bella, there's something i wanted to talk to you about" he grabed her attention. "Sure what is it?" she swallowed her food. "You and i are...close right?" he asked, he was nervous.

"Yeah, why?" she put her fork down. "Well i..." he stopped, he didn't know how to put it. He didn't want bluntly to say it. "I've been felling something when i'm around you.." he rubbed his head.

"Nothing bad, the fellings are actually quite good, but i-" He looked at her. She was alredy staring at him, waiting to hear what he has to say. "I-""There you are guys" Tyson came to the table.

"Why didn't you eat with us?" he asked. Kai looked nrevous again, he didn't want him to know. "We were talking about the game plan that's all" Bella lied for him. "Oh alright" Tyson shruged it off.

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