Darkness At The End Of The Tunnel

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"Alright guys, you know where the bathroom is. There are two guest rooms which have multible beds, you can chouse them later" Bella said.

"Now we'll make some muffins" Gran Gran hugged Bella's shoulders. "Yeah, you guys pick anything to watch if you want,anything's aceptable since Alice's put to bed" Bella added.

"Alright, time to watch some action" Tyson chered and the boys went to the couch, minus Kai. 

Bella and Gran Gran were preparing everything for the muffins. "Do you need help?" Kai asked from the entrance of the kitchen. Bella turned. "Oh, don't worry about it Kai, we got it all coverd" she replied. "Alright then" he said and went to the living room.

Bella smiled, small blush appear on her checks. "That boy sure is a gentlemen" Gran Gran pointed out. "Not that the rest isn't just, he sticks out really" she added. "I guess" Bella tried not to get into the topic, since she knew where this is going.

"He fancies you" The old woman opend the window. Bella flinched at her words. "What? Gran Gran, you got it all wrong, he's just being nice" she waved her hands.

"That's rubbish Bella, that boy looks at you the way your Grandfather used to look at me" Gran Gran turned to her, she was being serious.

"Poppycock!, and how does he look at me" She asked. "You're smashing Bella, he wants to be with you" she replied. Bella blushed at the though of the boys questioning this nonsence.


Thankfully, the boys didn't question anything, thanks to the Chief and his translations.

Bella was still embarest about the hole thing. "I'm sorry guys" she apologized. "I mean, we are in Great Brittan, of course you'll speak in your atcent" Ray looked at her.

"How can you switch betwin American and English so quickly?" Max asked. "Well, dad has an American friend and he told us some things that are diffrent so i wanted to learn" she explained.

"You can speak in your actcent if you want, we don't mind" Kenny assured her.

Bella smiled, she was glad they are accepting of it all. "See the lads gets it!" Gran Gran turned to Bella. Bella was a bit annoyed.

Gran Gran yawned. "I'm knackered, i'll see ya'll in a morning. Don't make any bloddy noise" she streched and went to her room.

The boys looked at her. "She's tired. She heading to sleep and said she'll give a fist if we don't shut up" Bella explained. "Oh" the four boys let out, Kai wasn't as much as suprised.

Bella was washing the dishes and every now and them checked if Cenopath or any of them are there. Luckily, everytime she checked, no one was. "Need a hand?" She heard Kai from behind.

"Yeah thanks" she said. They enjoyed the silence until Kai decited to break it. "Who..did you and Your Grandmother talked about earlier?" he asked. It caught Bella of guard.

"Oh-w-we talked about Aidan- yeah. Gran Gran thinks he fancies me, or likes me but he has someone alredy so i said she's talking nonsence" Bella explaiend, not meeting his gaze.

"I see" he looked at the dishes. Bella seems like she likes Aidan very much but he wasn't sure. "Do you..like him? Is that the someone you menchend?" he asked again.

Now Bella was taken a back at his questions. "No- i don't like him" she replied. "You blushed and stuterd around him" he pointed out and Bella sighed 

"Well, i admire him as a person, he's amazing and when i watch him at any of his compotetions, i'm always amazed but i don't like him that way, he has a girlfriend so" she explained.

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