"You sent the couple, out and alone to find something." Smith questioned the girl to which she winced.

"When you put it in that perspective, yes maybe they won't find him. But it's better than sending out no one at all." 

The three let out an exhausted sigh when they heard a yelling in a distance. "Will! (y/n)!" They turned towards the voice to see Penny.

"I stand corrected." (y/n) murmured.


The three stood in front of a strange rock as Penny wanted to show them something. "Okay, on the count of three. Ready?"

"Yeah." The two replied back.

"One, two, three." They laid their hands on the rock and looked at one another. The top of their hairs began to float in the air.

"Wow! Just like on the Resolute." Will said in awe.

"Yeah, but we're not on the Resolute, so why is it happening here." Penny questioned.

(y/n) opened her mouth to respond when a voice interrupted her. "You know, your mother and I, one experience the same phenomenon." 

"You followed us here?" Will asked the woman.

"Stalker." (y/n) sang with a smirk.

Smith huffed and gave her a glare. "Honestly, if I'd known it'd been this far, I wouldn't have." She puffed, using the stick she was wielding as support. "But it's a good thing I did, because I know what this hair thing means."

Will didn't wait to hear her explanation as he began to move some vines from the stone. "Somewhere on the other side of that wall is-"

"Alien technology. We know." Will cut her off, successfully cutting the fines. 

"That's not possible. We would have seen a sign, or the robot would have said something or-" Will was able to rip the vines completely off to reveal a small tunnel. "What is that?"

"Some kind of tunnel." Will said.

"Secret tunnel." (y/n) whispered out excitedly. 

"Cool yeah. So I agree with whoever suggested we just cover this up and pretend we were never here."

Will turned towards his sister with a concerned look. "No one suggested that Penny."

"Well, they should have." She said truthfully.

"Do any of you think it's a coincidence we found this the day robot goes missing?" Smith asked the three.

(y/n) sighed. "I hate to agree with Smith but I agree. There's no way this is a coincidence."

Will looked towards the three before turning back to the tunnel. "There's only one way to know for sure. Someone has to go in." 


(y/n), Penny, and Will ventured into the secret tunnel when they grabbed some flashlights and a rope. using the rope, they tied it to one another, having Smith at the end of the rope holding it from outside the tunnel.

"Do you think it's a good idea to have both acting co-captains and co-pilots here at the same time?" Penny asked them.

"This is exactly the kind of thing captains and pilots are supposed to do." Wil stated.

"Really? I always thought it was more about ordering people around and pointing."

"I mean, that's also what they do." (y/n) chimed in.

"Just relax." Will told his sister as she sighed.

"Feels like we're walking poo." Penny complained.

"It's just mud built up on the ground. We're gonna be fine." Will gave a quick smile to her.

"I'd like to take a second to remind you the last time I was stuck in a tunnel, I was drooled on by a bat monster that wanted to eat my face."

"I remember that." (y/n) smiled. "I blew something up."

"Yea and it was awesome." The two girl laughed and high fived. After a moment of silence, Penny turned around to call for the woman outside. "Smith. Smith, are you still there?"

"Of course!" Smith yelled back.

"You sure we're doing this right?" The redhead asked her.

"Absolutely! In the girl's scouts, this is how we kept track of each other on nature hikes. Once you're out of earshot, if anything goes wrong, just tug on the line and I'll know you need help."

"You were in the girl scouts?" Penny asked her.

"Is that so hard to believe?" 

"Yes." (y/n) yelled to the woman.

"Okay, than answer me this. Do you have any Thin Mints?" (y/n) looked at Penny confused.

"Penny." Will said.

"What? You know the cookies help me when I'm nervous." 

Will rolled his eyes. "Just come on." 

"Just keep going! I'll be here the whole time." Smith yelled.

The three started to walk deeper when (y/n) asked them. "Think she'll keep her word." 

"Only when it suits her." Will replied. (y/n) let out a hum of agreement. 

As they turned a sharp corner, the wall design began to change, it had curved and was most definitely not made from nature.

"Robot!" Will yelled. "Are you here?"

There was no reply. Penny and (y/n) looked at one another hesitantly, the tunnel was getting narrower and they didn't know how much further they were from Smith.

Will looked up at the rim of the tunnel, it was smooth. Too smooth. Looking deeper, his eyes widened. "Woah."

"What?" Penny asked.

Will stepped closer and examined the ground. "Footprints. It-It looks like they could belong to an alien robot."

Penny blinked. "Okay, uh. Yeah, so that's my cue. I just think that we should get out of here." As Penny walked backwards, she hit something on the walls. Causing their only way out to abruptly close. 

They were trapped with no way out.


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