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Logan and Lexies apartment

Logan was still camped out in the bathroom a few hours after the guys left. Her and Brock had been up almost all night drinking and playing video games while we slept in the couch beside them. I had been added to a group chat with Quinns friends yesterday so I had at least twenty messages sitting and waiting for me.

quinn memes

morning guys
what did I miss

jack hughes
hi lexie
we have honestly just been sending Quinn memes to piss him off

quinn hughes 🐻
its not working

yes it is

when do we get to meet you lexie

quinn hughes 🐻

next time you guys are in town I guess

we play the Canucks next week

quinn hughes 🐻
you don't get to meet her alex

I heard you might be going to Michigan with Quinn


jack hughes
you get to meet mom and dad then

and lukey

no pressure

quinn hughes 🐻
guys stop

im excited

they are going to love you

oh 100%

jack hughes
they already do, I sent a pic of her in the fam group chat


quinn hughes 🐻
it was a really pretty picture lex

ur so sweet quinny

what a gentlemen

so proud of our boy

quinn hughes 🐻

I laughed at the texts that were coming in, finally realising what Quinn meant when he said that Jacks friends think Quinn is their brother too. Logan walked into my room and jumped into my bed, smiling when she saw the picture of Quinn and I on my wall.

"So you really like him huh" she said.

"Shut up" I said rolling my eyes and smiling.

"I've never seen you so happy over a guy".

I smiled, hiding my face with my pillow. Logan was right though, I have never felt so happy because of a guy before and it was refreshing. Quinn really brought out the best in me, sides I didn't even know I had.

The game against Detroit was in three weeks, giving me enough time to make sure I could come on the trip with the team and meet his family. Quinn had said that I could stay with his parents if I wanted to, since they lived some-what close to the rink that they would be playing at. Because of the schedule we would have 2 days in Michigan, giving us an extra day to hang out with his parents and youngest brother Luke. Logan and I talked for a few hours about the trip to Michigan, helping me plan out what I should wear even if it was three weeks away.

The Rink

I walked into the rink with some paperwork that I had to deal with. If I was going to join the team in Michigan I had to get all my work done early so I could just do some interviews and media work while I was on the road. My boss was lucky on board with the idea so all I had to do was talk to the coach and see if I could take the same flight as the team, which shouldn't really be a problem. Coach Tocchet was sitting in his office so I knocked on the door before getting the okay that I could come in.

"Hey coach" I said to him, sitting down in the chair across from him.

"Alexandra, what can I do for you" he asked.

I told him my idea about coming with the team to Detroit to do some on the road media, which he gladly thought was a good idea. He gave me all the flight info and told me I would get my ticket in my email in 2-3 days. I thanked him before leaving his office and walking down the hallway and onto the ice, hoping to see Quinn. A familiar face skated up to me, taking off his helmet to give me a kiss.

"Ew, you're all sweaty" I said to him, making him laugh.

"I didn't know you worked today" he said to me.

"I don't, I came to talk to your coach actually".

Quinn gave me a confused look.

"I'm coming to Detroit, he said I could come on the plane with you guys".

A big smile grew on Quinns face, he gave me a big hug lifting me off he ground and squeezing me so I almost couldn't breathe. "So you get to meet my family" he said.

"I get to meet your family" I responded, giving him a kiss.

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