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Logan and Lexies apartment

Quinn was coming over to my apartment tonight, so I knew I had to get my shit together and clean. Logan was going out tonight with some work friends so I would finally have the place all to myself. I started cleaning the kitchen and living room, making sure there were no dirty dishes in the sink and that the trash was taken out. To make the place smell fresh I lit some candles and sprayed some room freshener on the couch, trying to get rid of any stains from me spilling late night snacks. Usually I wouldn't care what the place looked like but with Quinn I wanted to make a good first impression of my home, assuming he had a cleaner for his considering the amount of money he makes. After cleaning the kitchen and living I moved on to the guest bathroom and my room, and last mine and Logans bathroom. Our bathroom was the worst, since thats where Logan kept all her makeup and laundry being the messy person she is. I even scrubbed down the shower just incase he would get to see it later, you never know.

After all the cleaning was done I hopped in the shower and did a full body shower, making sure every inch of me was clean and smelt good. I threw on some sweats and a hoodie to wear before he came, making sure I was comfy. Logan had made dinner before she left so I grabbed some food and sat at the table to eat while scrolling on my phone. Unfortunately I made the mistake of  looking through the girls that Quinn follows, only seeing blonde girls and hockey players. I forgot the main rule which was not to go through who the guy you're seeing follows.


millsey 👭🏻❤️

he only follows blonde girls

millsey 👭🏻❤️

this guy I'm seeing

millsey 👭🏻❤️
who cares
are they the one driving him crazy? no

I guess

millsey 👭🏻❤️
who is this guy anyway

random guy tbh

millsey 👭🏻❤️
you're so hot lex don't worry
I have to go, I'll text you later

I love u

millsey 👭🏻❤️
love you too

I finished my meal and cleaned up, making sure the kitchen was spotless. Quinn was coming over in an hour so I went to go do my makeup and change. I did a simple makeup look and put my hair in a half up-half down with a little claw clip. For clothes I put on a baggy Canucks t-shirt and some grey sweatpants, keeping it comfy since we were chilling here. I threw on a zip-up on top of my shirt to keep warm, and sprayed the same perfume I wore the night we met, making it my signature scent for when I'm with him. My room smelt good and and I had freshly washed sheets on my bed. Just as I was going to sit in the couch I got a text from Quinn saying he was here.

My doorbell rang and I went over to open it, taking a few deep breaths to calm myself before. When I opened it, Quinn was standing in front of me wearing some black Canucks pants and a white t shirt, with a jacket on top. He smiled when he was my shirt, before walking in.

"Cute shirt Lex" he said, taking his shoes off.

"Oh you know the Canucks?" I said sarcastically. "My favourite hockey team, they kinda suck tho".

Quinn laughed at my comment while taking off his jacket. "I heard they have a really good young defensemen".

"Really, I've only heard about this guy named Boeser" I said smirking. "I heard he hits on pretty brunettes at bars too".

"He won't be doing that anymore, I'll make sure of it" he said, pulling me in for a kiss.

"Want a drink" I asked afterwords.

"Maybe later, right now I only want you" he said, lifting me up on the counter.

Fuck, he lifted me up like I weighed nothing. His arms were perfect, his t-shirt hugging his biceps. Quinn was easily one of the most attractive guys I have met, but he also had a good personality, at least thats the impression I got when we were drunk together. he broke away from the kiss making eye contact with me.

"Do you fuck on the second date" he asked.

"One hundred percent" I said, pulling him back in, wrapping my fingers through his fluffy brown hair

pretty boy - quinn hughesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat