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Elias and Quinns apartment

I walked through the door to find Elias sitting in the couch with Brock watching some show together.

"Hey guys" I said, putting my keys on the counter.

"Huggy, where have you been" Brock asked, pausing the show.

"I've been wondering the same" said Elias.

I smiled at the boys and sat beside them in the couch, putting my feet up on the coffee table.

"Stayed at a girls house last night", the boys both looked at me surprised. "What, is that such a surprise?" I asked.

"I mean yeah I guess" Brock said.

"Good job Huggy" Elias said patting me on the shoulder. "Who's the girl".

"Not telling" I said. "This one might turn out to be something and I don't want to jinx it".

"You're weird" Elias said, Brock agreeing with him.

"Yeah yeah, whatever" I said, pulling up my phone.


usntdp + quinn

its by far my favourite one yet


I like the ones where he looks confused

so all of them cole?

what are you guys talking about





what did I do

you are the god of Quinn memes

wanna see our favourites


send them anyways z


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rowdythis one's my fav

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this one's my fav

rowdythis one's my fav

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i don't eat ass

try it
it's fun

ayo 📸

The Rink 

Tonight was our last practice before the game tomorrow. The panthers were in town and we needed this win to continue our winning streak. Late night practices were always focused on our team skills, to make sure we are together before the game. Coach made us work on communication, making it easier for the puck to travel across the ice with our players.

When practice was over we hit the showers an got changed back into our regular clothes. As usual Petey, Boeser and I were the last ones to leave the locker room. As we walked down the hallway, I saw a familiar face down the hall towards the other direction. I told the boys I would catch up with them in a second, before running towards the girl. Coming up behind her, I grabbed her waist and pulled her into the supply closet.

"Hi Lex" I said giving her a kiss.

"Quinn you scared the shit out of me" she said, hitting me playfully.

"I'm sorry, I just had to come say hi".

"How was practice, you feel good for the game tomorrow?" she asked.

"Will you be there" I said.

"Yea, I have work remember". 

"Then yeah, I feel good for the game". 

She smiled at my comment, before grabbing my face and pulling me in for a kiss. I deepened the kiss, swiping my tongue against her bottom lip, causing her to open her mouth and give me access. Her hand inched towards my waist, before tugging on the strings of my sweatpants. 

"You don't have to" I said to her.

She looked up at me with her big brown eyes, making me so hard I thought my dick would explode. 

"I want to" she said. 

I nodded, giving her the consent that she needed. 

pretty boy - quinn hughesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant