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Logan and Lexies apartment

I woke up the morning with no hangover at all, thanks Advil and the massive glass of water I chugged before bed. As usual I checked my phone first thing this morning to read everything that happened last night. I scrolled through twitter first, seeing my face on the Canucks page which was definitely something I could get used to. After twitter I moved onto Instagram where I scrolled through my feed and liking the photos I was tagged in from last night. When I went to check my dm's I saw that I had gotten a new dm request, from Quinn fucking Hughes. 

"No way" I said quietly to myself.

Did Quinn Hughes really slide into my dm's yesterday?, and when did he follow me?. I knew I had to message him back or Logan would be so mad at me for missing the opportunity. 





follow back

hey :)

you looked good today

thank you quinn

you didn't look too bad yourself :) 

I grabbed my phone and ran out of my room to go tell Logan about the DM. She was still sleeping in her bed but I didn't care, I jumped on her bed shaking her while calling her name. 

"Fuck Lexie I'm sleeping" she said throwing a pillow at me, "what do you want".

I didn't say anything, I just gave her my phone and waited for her reaction. 

"Cool Lex, you got a dm" she said rolling her eyes.

"Read who it's from dumbass" I said laughing.

I watched her eyes go wide as she realised who the dm was from.


The two of us couldn't stop laughing and giggling, planning on what to say after he responded to me, or if he even responds. I left Logan in her room to go grab some breakfast from the cafe across the street since I knew she would have a killer hangover later. I put my hair up in a claw clip and threw on some grey sweats and my Canucks hoodie, before grabbing my wallet and putting on my Jordans. The second I walked out of my building I was hit with rain and wind, very typical for the city of Vancouver. 

The Cafe

I didn't bring an umbrella so I quickly ran across the street and into the cafe. Covering my face with my hood I opened the door to the cafe, sheltering myself from the rain. Of course being the clumsy person I am I bumped into someone while I wasn't paying attention.

"I'm so sorry" I said to the stranger.

"It's okay don't worry about it" he said to me.

I looked up and was shocked to see the guy in front of me. 

"What a coincidence" he said, "I was just about to respond to your dm"

I laughed at his comment, making sure to get a good look at the boy. Damn, he looked even better in sweats and a hoodie then he did in his hockey gear. 

"Oh really, and what were you going to say" I said in a flirty tone.

"I was going to ask you to grab coffee sometime" he said smiling at me. Wow this guy was attractive, his fluffy brown hair was slightly wet from the rain. 

"Uh huh, is that so" I said looking at him.

"Wanna stay and grab a coffee with me" he asked.

I sighed, disappointed with the answer I was about to give him. "I wish I could, but my friend is currently in bed with a hangover and needs a coffee to survive the day" I said.

"I know how she feels, no worries though" he said smiling. "I'll talk to you later Alexandra".

He started to walk out before I stopped him.

"Hey Quinn, call me Lexie".

I grabbed our coffees and muffins before walking back to the apartment. 

Logan and Lexies apartment

After taking off my shoes I walked into Logans room and gave her a muffin and her coffee. I told her about running into Quinn at the cafe and she ranted about how it was fate that we saw each other again. 

"I can't date him Mills, he's practically my boss" I said.

"First of all he's not your boss Lexie, second of all it's 2023 and you can date whoever you want" she said throwing her napkin at me.

I threw the napkin back and laughed. "I don't even date, commitment is too much for me".

"Nobody said you have to marry the guy, casual sex is fun too" said Logan.

We sat and ate our muffins while watching the newest episode of keeping up with the Kardashians. I felt my phone vibrate beside me, turning it over to see I had gotten a new dm from Quinn. The second I read it I knew I was fucked, this guy definitely was going to drive me crazy in the best way.





Hi Lexie

wanna grab drinks sometime?

I'm free Friday :)

I'll pick you up at 8 

see u then 

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