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The Rink

I walked to the locker rooms and hit the showers before meeting Lexie back in the hallway. The memories of last night were replaying in my mind like a movie, I wanted to see her again. I was one of the last people to get into the showers and leave the rink, making it easy for me to return Lexies belongings without people seeing and asking questions.

After my shower I put on some clean clothes and grabbed all of my belongings before leaving the locker room to go meet Lexie. She was sitting on a bench in the hallway, looking at her phone and biting her nails, anxiously waiting for me. Damn this girl was attractive, even in every day clothes. While I walked towards her she looked up at me and smiled, before standing up and meeting me halfway.

"I can't seem to figure out what I forgot" she said to me nervously.

I reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out a pair of lacy black underwear, handing them to her. Her eyes went wide and cheeks started to flush as she grabbed them and shoved them in her bag, making me laugh.

"Thanks Hughes" she said, not making eye contact.

I smiled at her shyness, it was nice seeing someone have such visible emotions. Most girls these days hide them and play hard to get, but Lexie showed all of them using her face as the canvas. I walked towards her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"You can keep the clothes you borrowed" I said before walking away towards my car.

Elias and Quinn's apartment

When I got home I saw Elias was in the couch on FaceTime with his family back in Sweden. I quickly said hi before going into my room to relax. Practice went well today, but I still couldn't find myself thinking about anything else but Lexie during it. Having her around the rink all the time definitely has its pros and cons, with the biggest con being that I can only focus on her when she's around, her energy is magnetic, its frustrating.

I wanted to see her again but not in a public setting, maybe she could come over here when Elias was out one night. Or maybe I go to her place, though she did say she has a roommate. No matter where we were, I knew I needed to text her so that we could make new plans. I still didn't have her number so I sent her a dm and gave her mine, hoping she would text me soon.

I grabbed some dinner and sat in the couch, while scrolling through my phone and seeing highlights from other games that played today. To make myself better I like to watch plays and videos from teams that we play soon, so I know how their forwards play and how I can defend the net better. When I finished up my food I felt my phone vibrate beside me, turning it around to see that I had gotten a text from an unknown number.



hi, its Lexie

hey :) it was nice seeing u today at the rink

u better get used to it
I like my job

I can try my best
can't promise I will like it though, you distract me

stop looking at me then

impossible task
you're gorgeous

when are we hanging out again
I owe you from last time ;)

you free tomorrow?

my roommate won't be home so my apartments free

I'll be there at 7

see you then :)

I put my phone down and continued watching my movie. Normally i wouldn't give girls my number like that but i wanted to see her and sending dms didn't feel right. Elias came and sat beside me, asking who I was texting, I lied and said it was Luke. Normally I wouldn't lie about girls, but i didn't want people to know about Lexie, since she works at the rink and I don't her to feel uncomfortable. Even if Elias was my closest friend, I wanted to keep it quiet until I knew what her intentions were. We sat and watched the movie together, both going to bed when it was finished. I lay in bed for hours, not able to sleep. My mind was racing and thoughts exploding over going to Lexies apartment tomorrow. Shit, i thought to myself, this girl has me wrapped around her finger.

pretty boy - quinn hughesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя